これに対して同語句の英訳であるHistorical Development of Arguments for and against Civilian/Non-Military Use of Nuclear powerという12words(94文字,Civilian/Non-Militaryも1word扱い)の英語文では、下記の図に示されているように、18トークンと、日本語の場合の約半分のトークン数となっている。 なお下図の色分けは、前置詞の「of」、「for」、「against」、接続詞の「and」だけでなく、「Development」、「Arguments」、「Nuclear」、「Power」といった単語が1wordで1トークンとなっていること、および、「Historical」や「Civilian」といった形容詞語句が1wordで2トークンとなっていることを示している。
Your translation is quite accurate and conveys the intended meaning well. However, it can be refined for better clarity and flow. Here’s a revised version with detailed explanations for the changes:
Revised Translation:
Historical Development of Advocacy and Criticism Regarding the Social Use of Nuclear Energy
Reasons for Changes:
“Promotional and Critical Arguments” to “Advocacy and Criticism”:
“Promotional” is correct but can sound a bit formal and broad. “Advocacy” captures the active support and promotion aspect more naturally.
“Critical Arguments” is accurate, but “Criticism” is more straightforward and commonly used in this context.
“Regarding” instead of “for”:
“Regarding” is more precise when discussing the subject of a debate or discussion.
These changes help to make the title clearer and more aligned with common academic and professional terminology.
Historical Development of Arguments for and against the Social Use of Nuclear Energy
“Promotional and Critical Arguments” の部分 “Promotional” は少し硬い表現で、学術的な文脈以外ではあまり使われません。また、”Critical” だけでは、どのような批判なのかが不明瞭です。そこで、より一般的な “Arguments for and against” に変更しました。これは「賛成と反対の議論」という意味で、より中立的で包括的な表現になります。
“Social Use” の部分 原子力の利用は、発電だけでなく、医療、工業など多岐にわたります。もし文脈が発電に限定される場合は、”Social Use of Nuclear Energy” の代わりに “Nuclear Power Generation” や “Nuclear Energy for Electricity” など、より具体的な表現を使うことも可能です。
Microsoft Copilot AIの「より創造的に」モードの回答は、「Adovocay」=「推進論」の反対語として、「Critique」という単語を挙げている。しかしながらこれはあまり適切ではない。
「Critique」という単語の日本語的ニュアンスは、「反対する」という意味での「批判」ではなく、「吟味する」という意味での「批評」・「論評」・「評論」といった意味合いである。例えばカントの『純粋理性批判』(Die Kritik der reinen Vernunft)という本のタイトルの英語訳はThe Critique of Pure Reasonであるが、カントは『純粋理性批判』において「純粋理性」に「反対」しているわけではない。 またコリンズ英語辞書は、Critiqueの意味を「a written examination and judgment of a situation or of a person’s work or ideas」(状況、作業、アイデアについての考察・判断に関する文章)としている。 なおMicrosoft Copilotそれ自身でも、「より厳密に」モードで「advocacyの反対語を教えてください。」と訊くと、下記のような回答となっているのは興味深い。このことに端的に示されているように、同一の生成エンジンでも、パラメーター設定の差異によるモードの違いで回答がかなり異なることに注意して、生成AIを利用することが有用である。
英訳について確認しましたが、タイトル「Historical Development of Promotional and Critical Arguments for the Social Use of Nuclear Energy」は適切に訳されています。この英文は、原子力の社会的利用に関する推進論と批判論の歴史的な展開を表しており、内容が正確に伝えられています。
– Original: Historical Development of Promotional and Critical Arguments for the Social Use of Nuclear Energy
– Suggested: The Historical Development of Advocacy and Critique Regarding the Social Utilization of Nuclear Power
Certainly! The English translation you provided is quite accurate. However, I recommend a slight modification for clarity and conciseness:
Revised Translation: Historical Development of Arguments Supporting and Criticizing the Social Use of Nuclear Energy
Explanation: – I replaced “Promotional” with “Supporting” to convey the idea more directly. – The revised version maintains the original meaning while being more concise. ¹
Feel free to use this revised translation, and if you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask! 😊
あなたが提供した英語訳 “Historical Development of Promotional and Critical Arguments for the Social Use of Nuclear Energy” は、元の日本語の文章「原子力の社会的利用をめぐる推進論と批判論の歴史的展開」を適切に表現しています。
この訳は、以下の要素を適切にカバーしています: – 「原子力の社会的利用」は “the Social Use of Nuclear Energy” と訳されています。 – 「推進論と批判論」は “Promotional and Critical Arguments” と訳されています。 – 「歴史的展開」は “Historical Development” と訳されています。
Anthropic Claude AIによる回答
Anthropic Claude AIが、「原子力の平和利用という意味合いを踏まえると、社会的利用の訳語を、”social”ではなく、”civilian”や”non-military”と修正した方が良い」という趣旨の指摘をしているのは極めて適切である。
—- Anthropic Claude AIの回答 —-
Historical Development of Promotional and Critical Arguments for the Social Use of Nuclear Energy
The description provided matches the character of Peter Pan from J.M. Barrie’s novel. Peter Pan is depicted as a boy with a green hat with a feather, wearing a green tunic, and having blonde hair. He can fly, lives in the magical world of Neverland.
Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie’s novel inspiration, flying through Neverland, green feathered hat atop his golden wavy locks, clad in earthy green tunic, surrounded by Neverland’s legendary flora, composition adhering to golden ratio, fake detailed textures, trending on Pixiv Fanbox, capturing the essence with an acrylic palette knife technique, artistic style fusion of Makoto Shinkai, Studio G
The description provided matches the character of Peter Pan from J.M. Barrie’s novel. Peter Pan is depicted as a boy with a green hat with a feather, wearing a green tunic, and having blonde hair. He can fly, lives in the magical world of Neverland., low poly, isometric art, 3d art, high detail, artstation, concept art, behance, ray tracing, smooth, sharp focus, ethereal lighting
Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie’s literary figure, wearing a feather-adorned green hat, draped in a green tunic, his blonde locks flowing freely, soaring over the enchanting realm of Neverland, captured in an acrylic painting, trending on Pixiv FanBox, featuring a blend of palette knife and brush strokes, infused with the stylistic essence of Makoto Shinkai, Jamie Wyeth
Peter Pan graces the scene, complete with his trademark green tunic and cap, feather-adorned, alongside his fair tresses gently swaying in the Neverland breeze, depicted in film photography style, illuminated with dreamy light leaks, high-definition, physics-defying haze effect, trendsetting on Artstation, captured in acute focus, resonating with intricate details with regard to his ageless character, immortalized by Greg
下記画像の場合で言えば、Perplexity AIが自動生成したプロンプト文は、”The description provided matches the character of Peter Pan from J.M. Barrie’s novel. Peter Pan is depicted as a boy with a green hat with a feather, wearing a green tunic, and having blonde hair. He can fly, lives in the magical world of Never”というものである。(NeverlandではなくNeverとなっているのは、Perplexity AIが画像生成エンジンに渡すプロンプト文の長さに制限があるため、文章が途中でカットされたものと思われる。)
#### ピーター・パンは、Sir James Matthew Barrie(1860年5月9日 – 1937年6月19日)によって創作されたキャラクターであり、1904年に発表された戯曲『ピーター・パン:大人にならない少年』(Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up)や1911年に発表された小説『ピーターとウェンディ』(Peter and Wendy)の主人公であり、空を飛ぶことができる。
The description provided matches the character of Peter Pan from J.M. Barrie’s novel. Peter Pan is depicted as a boy with a green hat with a feather, wearing a green tunic, and having blonde hair. He can fly, lives in the magical world of Never
A statement from our CEO, Sam Altman, on May 20, 2024: “The voice of Sky is not Scarlett Johansson’s, and it was never intended to resemble hers. We cast the voice actor behind Sky’s voice before any outreach to Ms. Johansson. Out of respect for Ms. Johansson, we have paused using Sky’s voice in our products. We are sorry to Ms. Johansson that we didn’t communicate better.”
We believe that AI voices should not deliberately mimic a celebrity’s distinctive voice—Sky’s voice is not an imitation of Scarlett Johansson but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice. To protect their privacy, we cannot share the names of our voice talents.
#####英訳例1 It was one evening at dusk.A servant was waiting for the rain to stop under Rashomon.
Apart from this man, there was no one else under the wide gate. Only a single cricket perched on a large pillar, its vermilion lacquer peeling in places. Since Rashomon was located on Suzaku Avenue, one would expect at least two or three others—wearing city hats or squeezed hats—taking shelter from the rain besides this man. However, there was no one else but him.
#####英訳例2 One evening, a servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate.
Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate, except for a cricket perched on a large, partially peeled red pillar. Given that the Rashomon was on Suzaku Avenue, there should have been at least two or three others, wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps, taking shelter from the rain. However, there was no one else but him.
“It was one evening at dusk.A servant was waiting for the rain to stop under Rashomon.” – 修正点: “evening at dusk”は冗長です。”at dusk”だけで十分です。また、「Rashomon」の前に定冠詞「the」を追加する必要があります。 – 修正案: “It was dusk. A servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate.”
“Apart from this man, there was no one else under the wide gate.” – 修正点: ここは明確で、文法的にも正しいです。
“Only a single cricket perched on a large pillar, its vermilion lacquer peeling in places.” – 修正点: ここも明確で、文法的に正しいです。
“Since Rashomon was located on Suzaku Avenue, one would expect at least two or three others—wearing city hats or squeezed hats—taking shelter from the rain besides this man.” – 修正点: “city hats” や “squeezed hats” は適切な訳ではありません。日本の文化を考慮して「市女笠」と「揉烏帽子」を具体的に説明する方が良いです。 – 修正案: “Since Rashomon was located on Suzaku Avenue, one would expect at least two or three others—wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps—taking shelter from the rain besides this man.”
“However, there was no one else but him.” – 修正点: ここは明確で、文法的に正しいです。
“It was dusk. A servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate. Apart from this man, there was no one else under the wide gate. Only a single cricket perched on a large pillar, its vermilion lacquer peeling in places. Since Rashomon was located on Suzaku Avenue, one would expect at least two or three others—wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps—taking shelter from the rain besides this man. However, there was no one else but him.”
### 英訳例2
“One evening, a servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate.” – 修正点: ここは明確で、文法的に正しいです。
“Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate, except for a cricket perched on a large, partially peeled red pillar.” – 修正点: “partially peeled red pillar” は「部分的に剥がれた赤い柱」を指しており、文法的には問題ないが、「red」を「vermillion」にすることで元の文に忠実になります。 – 修正案: “Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate, except for a cricket perched on a large, partially peeled vermilion pillar.”
“Given that the Rashomon was on Suzaku Avenue, there should have been at least two or three others, wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps, taking shelter from the rain.” – 修正点: ここは明確で、文法的に正しいです。
“However, there was no one else but him.” – 修正点: ここも明確で、文法的に正しいです。
“One evening, a servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate. Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate, except for a cricket perched on a large, partially peeled vermilion pillar. Given that the Rashomon was on Suzaku Avenue, there should have been at least two or three others, wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps, taking shelter from the rain. However, there was no one else but him.”
1. “It was one evening at dusk.” – 修正理由: “one evening at dusk” は冗長であり、”one” は不要。 – 修正案: “It was an evening at dusk.”
2. “A servant was waiting for the rain to stop under Rashomon.” – 修正理由: “Rashomon” の前に “the” を追加して特定の門を示す。 – 修正案: “A servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate.”
3. “Apart from this man, there was no one else under the wide gate.” – 修正理由: “Apart from this man” はやや不自然。 “Besides this man” の方が自然。 – 修正案: “Besides this man, there was no one else under the wide gate.”
4. “Only a single cricket perched on a large pillar, its vermilion lacquer peeling in places.” – 修正理由: “Only a single cricket” は “a single cricket” で十分。 – 修正案: “A single cricket perched on a large pillar, its vermilion lacquer peeling in places.”
5. “Since Rashomon was located on Suzaku Avenue, one would expect at least two or three others—wearing city hats or squeezed hats—taking shelter from the rain besides this man.” – 修正理由: “city hats or squeezed hats” は不自然。日本語の「市女笠」や「揉烏帽子」をそのまま使う方が良い。 – 修正案: “Since Rashomon was located on Suzaku Avenue, one would expect at least two or three others—wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps—taking shelter from the rain besides this man.”
6. “However, there was no one else but him.” – 修正理由: “but him” は “but for him” の方が自然。 – 修正案: “However, there was no one else but for him.”
### 修正後の英訳例1
It was an evening at dusk. A servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate.
Besides this man, there was no one else under the wide gate. A single cricket perched on a large pillar, its vermilion lacquer peeling in places. Since Rashomon was located on Suzaku Avenue, one would expect at least two or three others—wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps—taking shelter from the rain besides this man. However, there was no one else but for him.
1. “One evening, a servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate.” – 修正理由: 文法的には問題ないが、”One evening” の後にカンマを追加して文を区切る。 – 修正案: “One evening, a servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate.”
2. “Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate, except for a cricket perched on a large, partially peeled red pillar.” – 修正理由: “partially peeled red pillar” は “partially peeled vermilion pillar” の方が原文に忠実。 – 修正案: “Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate, except for a cricket perched on a large, partially peeled vermilion pillar.”
3. “Given that the Rashomon was on Suzaku Avenue, there should have been at least two or three others, wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps, taking shelter from the rain.” – 修正理由: “the Rashomon” は “Rashomon” で十分。 – 修正案: “Given that Rashomon was on Suzaku Avenue, there should have been at least two or three others, wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps, taking shelter from the rain.”
4. “However, there was no one else but him.” – 修正理由: “but him” は “but for him” の方が自然。 – 修正案: “However, there was no one else but for him.”
### 修正後の英訳例2
One evening, a servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate.
Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate, except for a cricket perched on a large, partially peeled vermilion pillar. Given that Rashomon was on Suzaku Avenue, there should have been at least two or three others, wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps, taking shelter from the rain. However, there was no one else but for him.
Google Gemini Advanceの場合には、ChatGPT4oやPerplexity AIとは異なり、上記のようなプロンプト文ではあまり適切な回答を生成しなかった。二つの英訳例を与えるのではなく、下記のように一つづつ与えた方がより適切で、より詳細なチェックがなされた。 また同一プロンプト文に対して、同時に3つの回答が作成され、ワンクリックで簡単に見ることができるようになっている。
Gemini Advanceは、ChatGPT4oやPerplexityとは異なり、「文学」的観点からのチェック作業をしっかりとおこなっている。回答結果の適切性は別として、英語化に際してどのような視点からのチェックを行うべきなのかについて、有益な示唆を与えている。 また、回答1では、市女笠や揉烏帽子という語句の訳に関して、a city woman in her ichimegasa hat, or a couple of men in their eboshi caps. というように、「市女笠を被った女性」、「揉烏帽子を被った男性」というように語句を補った英訳となっている点も、ChatGPT4oやPerplexityよりも優れている。 ただし、回答1では「市女笠を被った女性」を単数形としているにもかかわらず、「揉烏帽子を被った男性」を複数形としている点はあまり適切とは思えない。また「丹塗」の色に関する形容詞に関して「red」から「vermillion」に変更する修正提案がない点は少し不適切と思われる。
#####英訳例 One evening, a servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate. Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate, except for a cricket perched on a large, partially peeled red pillar. Given that the Rashomon was on Suzaku Avenue, there should have been at least two or three others, wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps, taking shelter from the rain. However, there was no one else but him.
One evening, a lone servant waited beneath the Rashomon gate for the rain to subside. The wide gateway stood empty save for him and a cricket perched atop one of the large, red pillars, its paint peeling in places. Considering the Rashomon’s location on Suzaku Avenue, one might have expected to find at least a few others seeking refuge from the downpour—perhaps a city woman in her ichimegasa hat, or a couple of men in their eboshi caps. Yet, there was no one.
lone servant: 原文の「一人」を強調し、孤独感を表現しました。
waited beneath: 「下で」をより自然な英語に置き換えました。
subside: 「やむ」をより詩的な表現にしました。
stood empty save for him: 「ほかに誰もいない」を強調し、門の寂しさを表現しました。
atop: 「に」をより正確に表現しました。
city woman in her ichimegasa hat: 「市女笠」をより具体的に説明しました。
a couple of men in their eboshi caps: 「揉烏帽子」を複数形にし、より自然な表現にしました。
seeking refuge from the downpour: 「雨やみをする」をより具体的な行動で表現しました。
One evening, a lone servant waited beneath the Rashomon gate for the rain to stop.
The wide gate offered shelter to no one but him, save for a cricket perched on a large, red pillar, its paint peeling in places. One might expect to find at least a few others huddled here, seeking refuge from the rain under ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps, given the Rashomon’s location on Suzaku Avenue. Yet, there was no one.
One evening, a lone servant waited…: 原文の「ある日の暮方の事である」の雰囲気を出すため、「lone」を追加し、たった一人で待っている状況を強調しました。
The wide gate offered shelter to no one but him…: 「Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate」をより詩的な表現に修正しました。
save for a cricket…: except for よりも古風な言い回しで、原文の雰囲気に合うように変更しました。
its paint peeling in places: partially peeled red pillar をより自然な英語表現にしました。
One might expect to find…: Given that the Rashomon was on Suzaku Avenue を、仮定法を使ってより間接的な表現にしました。
huddled here: taking shelter from the rain を、より具体的な表現にしました。
Yet, there was no one: However, there was no one else but him を、短く、しかし強い表現にしました。
One evening, a lone servant was waiting out the rain under the Rashomon gate. The wide gate stood empty save for him and a cricket perched on one of the large pillars, its vermilion paint flaking in spots. One might have expected to find at least two or three others huddled here, seeking refuge from the rain under ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps, given the Rashomon’s location on Suzaku Avenue. But no, the servant was utterly alone.
市女笠や揉烏帽子という語句の訳に関して、wearing ichimegasa hats (straw hats) or eboshi caps (black-lacquered headgear worn by nobles)といった修正案を提示している点などが評価できる。
—- Google Gemini Advanceに与えたのと同じプロンプト文を与えた場合の、Claude3 Opus(Perplexity AI)による回答 —-
Here is my assessment of the English translation, along with suggested revisions and reasons:
The translation is generally clear and understandable. The grammar is mostly accurate, but there are a few points that could be improved:
1. “One evening” could be made more specific to match the original text’s mention of “暮方”. I suggest revising to:
“One evening at dusk, a servant was waiting for the rain to stop under the Rashomon gate.”
2. The second sentence has an unnecessarily complex structure. I recommend splitting it into two sentences for better clarity:
“Besides him, there was no one else under the wide gate. Only a cricket was perched on one of the large red pillars, its paint peeling in places.” This improves the flow and makes each detail easier to visualize.
3. In the last sentence, “there should have been” sounds a bit awkward. Consider this revision:
“Given that the Rashomon was on Suzaku Avenue, one might expect to see at least two or three others taking shelter from the rain, wearing ichimegasa hats or eboshi caps. However, there was no one else but him.” This sounds more natural while still conveying the same meaning.
4. I would also recommend adding a brief explanation of the ichimegasa hats and eboshi caps, as readers unfamiliar with the historical context may not understand these terms. You could add a brief clause:
“…wearing ichimegasa hats (straw hats) or eboshi caps (black-lacquered headgear worn by nobles).”
Overall, with these minor adjustments for clarity and flow, the translation effectively conveys the atmosphere and details of the original Japanese text. The suggested revisions aim to make the English version even more accessible and engaging for the target audience.[1][2][3]