

  1. DeepL翻訳(https://www.deepl.com/ja/translator)を利用して、日本語テキストの英訳をさせる。
  2. DeepL翻訳(https://www.deepl.com/ja/translator)による英訳文章に関して、生成AIにチェックさせる。




ピーターパン: アラレちゃん、AIって知ってる?
アラレ: うん、知ってるよ!AIって人工知能のことだよね!ドクタースランプのセンベエさんが作った私みたいなものかな?
ピーターパン: そうだね。でも、AIは君みたいに動くロボットだけじゃなくて、話すこともできるんだよ。
アラレ: へえ、それは面白いね!AIはどんなことを話すの?
ピーターパン: いろいろだよ。人間の言葉を学んで、人間と同じように会話ができるんだ。でも、AIはプログラムされた情報に基づいて話すから、本当の感情はないんだって。
アラレ: そうなんだ。でも、私もプログラムされてるけど、楽しいことや面白いことがいっぱいあるよ!
ピーターパン: 確かにね。でも、AIが人間の作家やアーティストの仕事をすることについて、どう思う?
アラレ: うーん、AIが絵を描いたり、物語を書いたりするのはすごいと思うけど、やっぱり人間のアーティストが持っている心が入っていないと、何か違うかもしれないね。
ピーターパン: そうだね。AIはとても賢いけど、人間のように感情を持つことはできないから、作品に心がこもっているかどうかは、大きな問題だね。
アラレ: でも、AIが人間と協力して、もっと素敵なものを作れたらいいなと思うよ!
ピーターパン: その考えは素晴らしいね!AIと人間が一緒に働くことで、新しい可能性が広がるかもしれないね。
アラレ: そうだね!私たちも協力して、楽しい冒険をたくさんしようね!
アラレ: そうだね!私たちも協力して、楽しい冒険をたくさんしようね!


Peter Pan and Arale-chan discuss AI

Peter Pan: Arale-chan, do you know what AI is?
Arale: Yes, I know! AI is artificial intelligence! Is it like me, created by Senbei from Dr Slump?
Peter Pan: Yes, that’s right. But AI is not only moving robots like you, it can also talk.
Arale: Wow, that’s interesting!
Peter Pan: All sorts of things. It can learn human language and talk like a human. But AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t really have feelings.
Arale: I see. But I’m programmed too, but I have lots of fun and interesting things to do!
Peter Pan: Indeed. But what do you think about AI doing the work of human writers and artists?
Arale: Hmmm, I think it’s great that an AI can draw pictures and write stories, but it might be something different if it doesn’t have the heart and soul of a human artist in it.
Peter Pan: Yes, AI is very smart, but it can’t have emotions like humans can, so whether or not its work has heart is a big question.
Arale: But it would be nice if AI could work with humans to create something more beautiful!
Peter Pan: That’s a great idea, and it could open up new possibilities for AI and humans working together.
Arale: Yes, that’s right! Let’s work together and have lots of fun adventures!

In this dialogue, Peter Pan and Araleh have a friendly debate about the capabilities and limitations of AI. They exchange views on how AI could potentially assist or replace human creative work and ultimately recognise the importance of AI and humans working together.






  1. Arale’s response:
    Original: “Wow, that’s interesting!”
    Correction: “Wow, that’s interesting! What kinds of things can AI talk about?”
    Reason: This line needs more context to flow logically with the next line from Peter Pan.

  2. Peter Pan’s explanation about AI:
    Original: “All sorts of things. It can learn human language and talk like a human. But AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t really have feelings.”
    Correction: “It can talk about all sorts of things. It can learn human languages and communicate like a human. However, AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t truly have feelings.”
    Reason: Improved clarity and readability.

  3. General readability improvements:
    Original: “But what do you think about AI doing the work of human writers and artists?”
    Correction: “What do you think about AI taking on the work of human writers and artists?”
    Reason: “Taking on” is a more natural phrasing than “doing the work of.”

  4. Arale’s response about AI and creativity:
    Original: “Hmmm, I think it’s great that an AI can draw pictures and write stories, but it might be something different if it doesn’t have the heart and soul of a human artist in it.”
    Correction: “Hmmm, I think it’s amazing that AI can draw pictures and write stories. But it might feel different if it doesn’t have the heart and soul of a human artist.”
    Reason: Improved sentence structure for readability.

  5. Peter Pan’s agreement:
    Original: “Yes, AI is very smart, but it can’t have emotions like humans can, so whether or not its work has heart is a big question.”
    Correction: “Yes, AI is very smart, but it can’t have emotions like humans. So, whether its work has heart is a big question.”
    Reason: Simplified and made more concise for readability.

  6. Closing remarks:
    Original: “Peter Pan and Araleh have a friendly debate…”
    Correction: “Peter Pan and Arale-chan have a friendly debate…”
    Reason: Corrected typo from “Araleh” to “Arale-chan” for consistency with character’s name.

With these changes, the dialogue flows more naturally and maintains clarity while accurately conveying the original meaning.


Perplexity AIは、デフォルトでは上記のように英語での回答となったので、「日本語で」という語句を付け加えた。それによる回答は以下の通りである。



Peter Pan and Arale-chan discuss AI


Peter Pan and Arale-chan’s Discussion about AI

ピーターパン: アラレちゃん、AIって知ってる?

Peter Pan: Arale-chan, do you know what AI is?

文法的には問題ありませんが、「AI」だけでなく「artificial intelligence」と補足している方が読者に親切です。

Peter Pan: Arale-chan, do you know what artificial intelligence, or AI, is?

アラレ: うん、知ってるよ!AIって人工知能のことだよね!ドクタースランプのセンベエさんが作った私みたいなものかな?

Arale: Yes, I know! AI is artificial intelligence! Is it like me, created by Senbei from Dr Slump?

「ドクタースランプ」は原題であるため、「Dr. Slump」と表記します。また、センベエさんのフルネームである「Senbei Norimaki」とすると、より明確です。

Arale: Yes, I know! AI is artificial intelligence! Is it like me, created by Senbei Norimaki from Dr. Slump?

ピーターパン: そうだね。でも、AIは君みたいに動くロボットだけじゃなくて、話すこともできるんだよ。

Peter Pan: Yes, that’s right. But AI is not only moving robots like you, it can also talk.


Peter Pan: Yes, that’s right. But AI is not just moving robots like you; it can also talk.

アラレ: へえ、それは面白いね!AIはどんなことを話すの?

Arale: Wow, that’s interesting!


Arale: Wow, that’s interesting! What kind of things can AI talk about?

ピーターパン: いろいろだよ。人間の言葉を学んで、人間と同じように会話ができるんだ。でも、AIはプログラムされた情報に基づいて話すから、本当の感情はないんだって。

Peter Pan: All sorts of things. It can learn human language and talk like a human. But AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t really have feelings.

「いろいろだよ」を「All sorts of things」と訳すのはやや曖昧です。「様々な話題」を使うことでより具体的にします。

Peter Pan: Various topics. It can learn human language and talk like a human. But AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t really have feelings.

アラレ: そうなんだ。でも、私もプログラムされてるけど、楽しいことや面白いことがいっぱいあるよ!

Arale: I see. But I’m programmed too, but I have lots of fun and interesting things to do!


Arale: I see. But even though I’m programmed, I have lots of fun and interesting things to do!

ピーターパン: 確かにね。でも、AIが人間の作家やアーティストの仕事をすることについて、どう思う?

Peter Pan: Indeed. But what do you think about AI doing the work of human writers and artists?

文法的には問題ありませんが、「Indeed」は少し堅苦しいため、「That’s true」を使用します。

Peter Pan: That’s true. But what do you think about AI doing the work of human writers and artists?

アラレ: うーん、AIが絵を描いたり、物語を書いたりするのはすごいと思うけど、やっぱり人間のアーティストが持っている心が入っていないと、何か違うかもしれないね。

Arale: Hmmm, I think it’s great that an AI can draw pictures and write stories, but it might be something different if it doesn’t have the heart and soul of a human artist in it.


Arale: Hmmm, I think it’s great that AI can draw pictures and write stories, but it might be different if it doesn’t have the heart and soul of a human artist.

ピーターパン: そうだね。AIはとても賢いけど、人間のように感情を持つことはできないから、作品に心がこもっているかどうかは、大きな問題だね。

Peter Pan: Yes, AI is very smart, but it can’t have emotions like humans can, so whether or not its work has heart is a big question.


Peter Pan: Yes, AI is very smart, but it can’t have emotions like humans do, so whether its work has heart and soul is a big question.

アラレ: でも、AIが人間と協力して、もっと素敵なものを作れたらいいなと思うよ!

Arale: But it would be nice if AI could work with humans to create something more beautiful!

文法的には問題ありませんが、「more beautiful」ではなく「even more wonderful」を使用すると、ニュアンスがより適切です。

Arale: But it would be nice if AI could work with humans to create something even more wonderful!

ピーターパン: その考えは素晴らしいね!AIと人間が一緒に働くことで、新しい可能性が広がるかもしれないね。

Peter Pan: That’s a great idea, and it could open up new possibilities for AI and humans working together.

文法的には問題ありませんが、「working together」を「collaborating」に変更して、文を簡潔にします。

Peter Pan: That’s a great idea! It could open up new possibilities for AI and humans collaborating.

アラレ: そうだね!私たちも協力して、楽しい冒険をたくさんしようね!

Arale: Yes, that’s right! Let’s work together and have lots of fun adventures!

文法的には問題ありませんが、「work together」を「team up」に変更して、自然な会話にします。

Arale: Yes, that’s right! Let’s team up and have lots of fun adventures!



In this dialogue, Peter Pan and Araleh have a friendly debate about the capabilities and limitations of AI. They exchange views on how AI could potentially assist or replace human creative work and ultimately recognise the importance of AI and humans working together.


In this dialogue, Peter Pan and Arale have a friendly discussion about the capabilities and limitations of AI. They exchange views on how AI could potentially assist or replace human creative work, and ultimately recognize the importance of AI and humans collaborating.



  1. Arale: Wow, that’s interesting!
    – 訂正: Wow, that’s interesting!What kinds of things can it talk about?
    – 理由: アラレちゃんが「AIはどんなことを話すの?」と質問しているので、英訳でもその質問を反映させる必要があります。
  2. Peter Pan: All sorts of things.
    – 訂正:It can discuss a variety of topics.
    – 理由: 「いろいろだよ」という表現は少し曖昧なので、「様々なトピックについて話すことができる」と具体的にすると良いでしょう。
  3. Arale: I see. But I’m programmed too, but I have lots of fun and interesting things to do!
    – 訂正:I see. I’m programmed too, yet I find many things fun and interesting!
    – 理由: 「でも」を二回繰り返しているので、一度にして文章をスムーズにします。
  4. Arale: Hmmm, I think it’s great that an AI can draw pictures and write stories, but it might be something different if it doesn’t have the heart and soul of a human artist in it.
    – 訂正:Hmm, I think it’s impressive that AI can draw and write stories, but without a human artist’s heart and soul, it might not feel the same.
    – 理由: 「すごいと思うけど」を「impressive」と表現することで、より自然な英語になります。また、「何か違うかもしれないね」を「it might not feel the same」と表現することで、意味がより明確になります。
  5. Peter Pan: That’s a great idea, and it could open up new possibilities for AI and humans working together.
    – 訂正:That’s an excellent idea, which could lead to new possibilities for collaboration between AI and humans.
    – 理由: 「素晴らしいね」という肯定的な感情を「excellent」という言葉で強調し、「新しい可能性が広がるかもしれないね」という部分を「collaboration between AI and humans」と具体化しています。
  6. In this dialogue, Peter Pan and Araleh have a friendly debate about the capabilities and limitations of AI.
    – 訂正:In this dialogue, Peter Pan and Arale-chan engage in a friendly debate about AI’s capabilities and limitations.
    – 理由: アラレちゃんの名前の綴りを原文に合わせて「Arale-chan」とし、「AIの能力と限界について」という表現を「AI’s capabilities and limitations」と直接的に表現しています。



Perplexity AIは、下記のように、参考資料として、毎日新聞の記事(参考資料1)や英語の単行本(参考資料2)など興味深い資料を提示してくれる点で優れている。

The English translation provided for the Japanese text is generally accurate and captures the essence of the conversation between Peter Pan and Arale-chan about AI. However, there are a few areas where improvements can be made to enhance clarity, grammatical correctness, and readability. Below are the suggested corrections along with explanations for each:

Corrections and Explanations

1.Original: “Peter Pan: Arale-chan, do you know what AI is?”
Correction: No change needed.
Explanation: The sentence is clear and grammatically correct.

2.Original: “Arale: Yes, I know! AI is artificial intelligence! Is it like me, created by Senbei from Dr Slump?”
Correction: “Yes, I know! AI stands for artificial intelligence. Is it something like me, created by Dr. Senbei in ‘Dr. Slump’?”
Explanation: Added “stands for” to clarify the abbreviation AI. Included “Dr.” before Senbei for respect and specificity, and added quotation marks around ‘Dr. Slump’ to clarify it is a title.

3.Original: “Peter Pan: Yes, that’s right. But AI is not only moving robots like you, it can also talk.”
Correction: “Yes, that’s right. But AI isn’t just about robots like you who move; it can also talk.”
Explanation: Improved the sentence structure for better readability and clarity.

4.Original: “Arale: Wow, that’s interesting!”
Correction: No change needed.
Explanation: The expression is appropriate and conveys excitement effectively.

5.Original: “Peter Pan: All sorts of things. It can learn human language and talk like a human. But AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t really have feelings.”
Correction: “It learns human languages and can converse like us. However, it speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t truly have feelings.”
Explanation: Clarified that AI learns multiple languages and improved the flow of the explanation about AI’s lack of feelings.

6.Original: “Arale: I see. But I’m programmed too, but I have lots of fun and interesting things to do!”
Correction: “I see. I’m programmed too, yet I find many things fun and interesting!”
Explanation: Removed the repetitive ‘but’ and streamlined the sentence for better readability.

7.Original: “Peter Pan: Indeed. But what do you think about AI doing the work of human writers and artists?”
Correction: “Indeed. What are your thoughts on AI performing tasks typically done by human writers and artists?”
Explanation: Refined the question to make it more formal and clear.

8.Original: “Arale: Hmmm, I think it’s great that an AI can draw pictures and write stories, but it might be something different if it doesn’t have the heart and soul of a human artist in it.”
Correction: “Hmm, it’s impressive that AI can draw and write stories, but it might lack something essential without a human artist’s heart and soul.”
Explanation: Improved conciseness and clarity while maintaining the original sentiment.

9.Original: “Peter Pan: Yes, AI is very smart, but it can’t have emotions like humans can, so whether or not its work has heart is a big question.”
Correction: “Yes, AI is highly intelligent, but it cannot feel emotions like humans, which raises questions about the soulfulness of its work.”
Explanation: Enhanced the sentence structure and terminology for a more polished tone.

10.Original: “Arale: But it would be nice if AI could work with humans to create something more beautiful!”
Correction: “However, it would be wonderful if AI could collaborate with humans to create even more beautiful things!”
Explanation: Used “collaborate” to emphasize cooperative work and adjusted the sentence for a more optimistic tone.

11.Original: “Peter Pan: That’s a great idea, and it could open up new possibilities for AI and humans working together.”
Correction: No change needed.
Explanation: The sentence is well-constructed and effectively conveys the potential benefits of collaboration.

12.Original: “Arale: Yes, that’s right! Let’s work together and have lots of fun adventures!”
Correction: No change needed.
Explanation: The enthusiastic tone is appropriate for the character and the context.

These corrections aim to refine the translation to ensure it is not only accurate but also engaging and easy to read, enhancing the overall quality of the text.

[1] Kanehara, M.(2014) “Japan prof. probes strengths, weaknesses of rapidly evolving AI translation: interview” March 18, 2024 (Mainichi Japan)
[2] Pellitteri, M. (2011) The Dragon and the Dazzle: Models, Strategies, and Identities of Japanese Imagination — A European Perspective,Tunué S.r.l.
[3] ”[Discussion] Translation of Japanese to English using GPT. These are my discoveries after ~100 hours of extensive experimentation and ways I think it can be improved.”
[4] https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=928
[5] https://translate.google.co.jp/?hl=en&sl=ko&tl=ja
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akira_Kamiya
[7] https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=3636
[8] https://www.deezer.com/us/show/3180882
[9] https://doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp/record/28173/files/zk1148.pdf
[10] https://romalt.skoleporten.dk/sp/250002/iframe?address=http%3A%2F%2Fxn--b1ashbcgs3f.xn--p1ai%2F153876229fe43z
[11] https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Akira_Toriyama
[12] https://storymaps.library.villanova.edu/GEV4320-Spring2020/map.php?path=http%3A%2F%2Fxn—78-5cd3cgu2f.xn--p1ai%2FzNBIPS4fe43v


Perplexity AIは、デフォルトでは上記のように英語での回答となったので、「日本語で」という語句を付け加えた。それによる回答は以下の通りである。

  1. タイトルの訂正

    • 原文: Peter Pan and Arale-chan discuss AI
    • 訂正後: Peter Pan and Arale-chan Discuss AI
    • 理由: 英語のタイトルでは、主要な単語の最初の文字を大文字にするのが一般的です。
  3. 不自然な表現の訂正

    • 原文: Is it like me, created by Senbei from Dr Slump?
    • 訂正後: Am I like that, created by Senbei from Dr. Slump?
    • 理由: 「それは私のように、ドクタースランプのセンベエさんによって作られたものですか?」というニュアンスを明確にするために、主語を「それ」から「私」に変更し、「Dr. Slump」に「Dr.」を追加してタイトルを正確に表記します。
  5. 誤解を招く可能性のある表現の訂正

    • 原文: But AI is not only moving robots like you, it can also talk.
    • 訂正後: However, AI isn't just about robots like you that move; it can also talk.
    • 理由: 「しかし、AIは動くロボットだけではなく、話すこともできる」という意味をより明確に伝えるために、「not only」の構造を「isn't just about」に変更し、より自然な英語表現にします。
  7. 不自然な接続詞の使用の訂正

    • 原文: But AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t really have feelings.
    • 訂正後: AI speaks based on programmed information, which means it doesn't actually have feelings.
    • 理由: 「AIはプログラムされた情報に基づいて話すので、本当の感情はない」という流れを自然にするために、「so」を「which means」に変更し、原因と結果の関係をより明確にします。
  9. 矛盾する表現の訂正

    • 原文: But I’m programmed too, but I have lots of fun and interesting things to do!
    • 訂正後: I'm programmed too, yet I find many things fun and interesting!
    • 理由: 二つの「but」が連続しているのを避け、「しかし、私もプログラムされているけれど、楽しいことや面白いことがたくさんある」という意味で「yet」を使用して対比を表現します。
  11. 誤った単語の使用の訂正

    • 原文: Peter Pan and Araleh have a friendly debate about the capabilities and limitations of AI.
    • 訂正後: Peter Pan and Arale-chan have a friendly debate about the capabilities and limitations of AI.
    • 理由: キャラクターの名前「アラレちゃん」が誤って「Araleh」と記述されていたため、正しい名前に訂正します。



[1] https://readabilityformulas.com/how-to-improve-the-readability-of-anything-you-write/
[2] https://www.wordtune.com/blog/increase-readability
[3] https://quillbot.com/grammar-check
[4] https://www.grammarcheck.net/editor/
[5] https://www.scribbr.com/grammar-checker/
[6] https://www.grammarly.com/grammar-check
[7] https://www.aje.com/grammar-check/
[8] https://www.grammarcheck.net
[9] https://www.verblio.com/blog/flesch-reading-ease
[10] https://codeless.io/grammarly-review/grammarly-readability-score/
[11] https://www.grammarly.com/blog/readability-scores/
[12] https://www.jef.or.jp/journal/pdf/208th_Viewpoint_01.pdf
[13] https://www.languagewire.com/en/blog/improve-readability-6-simple-tips-for-better-writing
[14] https://paperpal.com/blog/researcher-resources/research-advice/language-in-research-paper
[15] https://readable.com/blog/5-steps-to-improving-readability/
[16] https://languagetool.org
[17] https://students.unimelb.edu.au/academic-skills/resources/reading,-writing-and-referencing/essays/writing-a-great-essay
[18] https://www.theteflacademy.com/blog/common-mistakes-for-japanese-learners-of-english/
[19] https://www.hunter.cuny.edu/rwc/handouts/the-writing-process-1/invention/Writing-a-Critique
[20] https://you2.jp/enblog/2021/07/06/common-mistakes-that-japanese-students-make-when-writing-in-english/




– 英語訳は全体的に自然で読みやすい文章になっています。
– 原文の意味を忠実に表現しており、文法的な誤りもありません。
– ただし、いくつか改善できる箇所があります。

  1. 最初の会話
    Peter Pan: Arale-chan, do you know what AI is?
    修正案: Arale-chan, have you heard of AI?
    理由: “do you know” はややフォーマルな表現なので、より自然な “have you heard of” に修正しました。

  2. AIの説明
    Peter Pan: Yes, that’s right. But AI is not only moving robots like you, it can also talk.
    修正案: Yes, that’s right. But AI is more than just moving robots like you. It can also talk.
    理由: “not only” は否定的な印象を与えるので、よりポジティブな “more than” に修正しました。

  3. AIの能力
    Peter Pan: All sorts of things. It can learn human language and talk like a human.
    修正案: It can learn human language and converse just like a human.
    理由: “All sorts of things” は具体性に欠けるので、より具体的な “converse” に修正しました。

  4. AIの感情
    Peter Pan: But AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t really have feelings.
    修正案: But since AI speaks based on programmed information, it doesn’t have real emotions.
    理由: “doesn’t really have feelings” は曖昧な表現なので、より明確な “doesn’t have real emotions” に修正しました。

  5. AIと人間の創造性
    Peter Pan: But what do you think about AI doing the work of human writers and artists?
    修正案: What do you think about AI taking over the work of human writers and artists?
    理由: “doing the work of” は回りくどい表現なので、より簡潔な “taking over” に修正しました。

  6. AIと人間の協力
    Arale: But it would be nice if AI could work with humans to create something more beautiful!
    修正案: It would be amazing if AI could collaborate with humans to create even more beautiful things!
    理由: “nice” は控えめな表現なので、より強い肯定感を与える “amazing” に修正しました。

  7. その他
    – 各キャラクターの個性を反映するために、セリフの言い回しを調整するのも良いでしょう。
    – 例えば、ピーターパンはもっと子供らしく、アラレちゃんはもっと無邪気な言葉遣いをしても良いでしょう。



Claude AIの下記回答の1、3,5は日本語文の文脈を踏まえた適切な回答である。


  1. “AI is artificial intelligence! Is it like me, created by Senbei from Dr Slump?”
    この部分は “AIって人工知能のことだよね!ドクタースランプのセンベエさんが作った私みたいなものかな?”と原文にあるため、
    “AI means artificial intelligence, right? Something like me, created by Senbei from Dr. Slump?” と訳すのが適切です。

  2. “But AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t really have feelings.”
    この部分は “でも、AIはプログラムされた情報に基づいて話すから、本当の感情はないんだって。”と原文にあるため、
    “But AI speaks based on programmed information, so it doesn’t have real/genuine feelings.” と訳す方が原文に忠実です。

  3. “But what do you think about AI doing the work of human writers and artists?”
    “But what do you think about AI assisting or replacing the work of human writers and artists?” と訳す方が適切です。

  4. “so whether or not its work has heart is a big question.”
    この部分は “so whether its creations/works have heart in them is a big question.” と訳す方が分かりやすいでしょう。

  5. 最後の文 “Let’s work together and have lots of fun adventures!”
    “Let’s work together and have lots of fun adventures!” ではなく、
    “Let’s cooperate and have lots of fun adventures together!” と訳す方が適切です。


カテゴリー: ピーターパンとアラレちゃんのAIについての討, 文章読み上げ, 生成AIの利用法, 英文校閲, 英語AI音声 パーマリンク

生成AIを利用した「日本語テキストの英語化」(その2) への1件のコメント

  1. ピンバック: 生成AIを利用した「日本語テキストの英語テキスト化」(その2-続き) – コスモピア AI研究室
