
  1. 日本語プロンプト文回答に関してChatGPT4oが挙げた参考資料
  2. 日本語プロンプト文回答に関してChatGPT4oが挙げた参考資料の学術的スタイルへの表記変更
  3. 英語プロンプト文回答に関してChatGPT4oが挙げた参考資料

例によってではあるが、アラレちゃん型AIであるChatGPT4oが挙げる参考資料の書誌情報は、正しいものと間違っているものとが混在していることが多い。例えば、“The Making of the Atomic Bomb” by Richard Rhodes (1986)はRhodes, R. (1986). The making of the atomic bomb. New York: Simon & Schuster.を指すものとして正しいが、“Atomic Energy: A New Start” by Philip Sporn (1976)は、Lilienthal, D.E.(1980)Atomic Energy: A New Start ,Harper & Rowの間違いである。


  1. Books
    1. “Atomic Energy: A New Start” by Philip Sporn (1976)

    2. “The Making of the Atomic Bomb” by Richard Rhodes (1986)

    3. “Nuclear Fear: A History of Images” by Spencer R. Weart (1988)
  2. Academic Papers
    1. “The Politics of Nuclear Energy in Western Europe” by Wolfgang C. Müller and Paul W. Thurner (2017)

    2. “Public Attitudes toward Nuclear Power: The Role of Public Knowledge and Trust” by Hank C. Jenkins-Smith, Kerry G. Herron, and Carol L. Silva (2011)

    3. “Nuclear Power and Sustainable Development” by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2006)
  3. Reports and Policy Papers
    1. “World Nuclear Industry Status Report” (Annual) by Mycle Schneider and Antony Froggatt

    2. “The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World” by the MIT Energy Initiative (2018)

    3. “Nuclear Power and Public Policy: The Social and Ethical Problems of Fission Technology” by Kristin Shrader-Frechette (1983)
  4. Journals
    1. “Energy Policy”

    2. “Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences”




上記の参考資料の書誌情報表示は、簡略的なものであり、学術的スタイルにはそぐわない。学術的なレポートや論文の作成に際しては、書誌情報の表記に関する学術的スタイルを明示的に指定した方が良い。例えば、「先に挙げた参考資料の書誌情報の表記をAPA styleに変更してください。」というプロンプト文を追加することで、下記のように学術的スタイルでの書誌情報表記を得ることができる。ただし、この場合でもアラレちゃん型AIであるChatGPT4oが挙げる参考資料の書誌情報は、正しいものと間違っているものとが混在していることが多いことには注意する必要がある。



  1. Sporn, P. (1976). Atomic energy: A new start. New York: Harper & Row.
  2. Sporn, P., Thring, M. W., Jones, D. C. R., & Gaskell, T. F. (2017). Energy: Its production, conversion and use in the service of man. Pergamon.
  3. Rhodes, R. (1986). The making of the atomic bomb. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  4. Weart, S. R. (1988). Nuclear fear: A history of images. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  5. Müller, W. C., & Thurner, P. W. (2017). The politics of nuclear energy in Western Europe. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 7(4), 555-567.
  6. Jenkins-Smith, H. C., Herron, K. G., & Silva, C. L. (2011). Public attitudes toward nuclear power: The role of public knowledge and trust. Energy Policy, 39(9), 4663-4670.
  7. International Atomic Energy Agency. (2006). Nuclear power and sustainable development. Vienna: IAEA.
  8. Schneider, M., & Froggatt, A. (Eds.). (Annual). World nuclear industry status report. Paris: Mycle Schneider Consulting.
  9. MIT Energy Initiative. (2018). The future of nuclear energy in a carbon-constrained world. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  10. Shrader-Frechette, K. (1983). Nuclear power and public policy: The social and ethical problems of fission technology. Dordrecht: Reidel.




Please introduce any books, journals or other academic sources related to the above answers. Furthermore, please indicate the bibliographic information of those reference materials in APA style.
Please introduce any books, journals or other academic sources related to the above answers.
Furthermore, please indicate the bibliographic information of those reference materials in APA style.


Certainly! Here is the bibliographic information for the mentioned sources in APA style:

  1. Calder, N. (1979). Nuclear politics: The history of atomic energy. Viking Press.
    This book provides a comprehensive history of nuclear power, including the political and economic motivations behind its development.
  2. Fermi, L. (1968). The atomic age: Scientists in national and world affairs. Basic Books.
    Laura Fermi, the wife of physicist Enrico Fermi, offers a unique perspective on the early atomic age, discussing both the scientific breakthroughs and the political implications.
  3. Wolfson, R. (1993). Nuclear choices: A citizen’s guide to nuclear technology. MIT Press.
    This guide explains the science and technology behind nuclear power and its implications for society, including historical context and policy considerations.
  4. Hewlett, R. G., & Holl, J. M. (1989). Atoms for peace and war, 1953-1961: Eisenhower and the Atomic Energy Commission. University of California Press.
    This detailed historical account examines Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” initiative and its impact on the development of civilian nuclear power.
  5. Weart, S. R. (2012). The rise of nuclear fear. Harvard University Press.
    Weart explores the cultural and social dimensions of nuclear technology, including public perception and the interplay between nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
  1. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. (Various issues).
    This journal publishes research articles on all aspects of nuclear science and technology, including reactor design, safety, and policy issues.
  2. Energy Policy. (Various issues).
    This interdisciplinary journal covers energy policy and economics, including articles on the historical development and future prospects of nuclear power.
  3. Nuclear Technology. (Various issues).
    The journal focuses on the practical and theoretical aspects of nuclear technology, including reactor design, safety, and environmental impact.
  4. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. (Various issues).
    This journal includes articles on the history of nuclear science and technology, providing a scholarly context for understanding the development of civilian nuclear power.
  5. The Nonproliferation Review. (Various issues).
    While focused on nonproliferation, this journal also covers issues related to nuclear energy policy and the historical context of nuclear development.
Academic Sources and Articles
  1. Krige, J. (2006). Atoms for peace and the nuclear energy business. Technology and Culture, 47(4), 839-859. doi:10.1353/tech.2006.0248
    Published in “Technology and Culture,” this article examines the impact of Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace program on the nuclear energy industry.
  2. Larkham, P. J. (1996). The birth of nuclear power in the UK: Calder Hall, 1956. Planning Perspectives, 11(1), 41-59. doi:10.1080/026654396364664
    This article in “Planning Perspectives” provides a detailed account of the development and significance of the UK’s first commercial nuclear power station.
  3. Kikkawa, T. (1996). Energy security and the role of nuclear power: The Japanese experience. Energy Studies Review, 8(2), 146-154.
    Published in “Energy Studies Review,” this article discusses Japan’s post-war energy policy and the role of nuclear power in achieving energy security.
  4. MacKerron, G. (1985). French nuclear power: The political economy of atomic energy. International Affairs, 61(2), 329-341. doi:10.2307/2618415
    This article in “International Affairs” explores the political and economic factors behind France’s ambitious nuclear power program.
  5. Trachtenberg, M. (1991). The origins of U.S. nuclear strategy, 1945-1953. Princeton University Press.
    This book delves into the early strategic thinking around nuclear power and its dual-use potential for both energy and military applications.

These references should provide a solid foundation for further research on the historical development and debates surrounding civilian nuclear power.



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