
生成AIを利用した「日本語テキストの英語化」に関して、明治大学経営学部「デジタル経営人材開発トラック (DIGIT: Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track)」(https://www.meiji.ac.jp/keiei/features/digit.html)の冒頭部分の日本語テキストを例にとり、具体的に説明する。



  1. DeepL翻訳(https://www.deepl.com/ja/translator)を利用して、日本語テキストの英訳をさせる。
  2. DeepL翻訳(https://www.deepl.com/ja/translator)による英訳文章に関して、生成AIにチェックさせる。

経営学部では、「デジタル経営人材開発トラック:DIGIT(Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track)」を設置し、データサイエンス・数理統計・AI等のデジタル技術を利用・活用してビジネスデータ・ソーシャルデータの分析からインサイトを探索し、新たな社会の在り方やプロセス改革・新製品サービス開発・事業創造等のイノベーションを創造できる「デジタル経営人材」(経営学部が掲げる「価値創造人材」の一類型)を育成します。

The government’s AI Strategy 2019, announced in 2019, sets the goal that all university and technical college students, regardless of their background, should master elementary level mathematics, data science and AI in their courses, and the development of digital human resources is required in all fields.
The Faculty of Business Administration has established the Digital Management Human Resource Development Track: DIGIT (Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track), where students can use and utilise digital technologies such as data science, mathematical statistics and AI to analyse business data and social data to search for insights and develop new ones. The DIGIT track will develop ‘digital management human resources’ (a type of ‘value-creating human resources’ as set out by the Faculty of Business Administration) who can search for insights from business data and social data and create innovations such as new ways of being in society, process reform, new product and service development, and business creation.

下記では、ChatGPT4(有料版)、Microsoft Bing AIperplexity AI(有料版)、Google Bardという3種類の生成AIの回答を紹介しています。それぞれ回答が異なっていますが、各生成AIによる訂正理由等を見ながら、最終的に自分で最も適切と思われる英語テキストを作成することがこれからの時代に求められているように思われます。

Your translation is mostly accurate, but I would suggest a few changes to improve clarity, flow, and coherence. Here’s a revised version of your translation along with explanations for each change:


Revised Translation: The government’s “AI Strategy 2019,” announced in 2019, set forth the goal that all university and technical college students, regardless of their major, should acquire foundational knowledge in mathematics, data science, and AI within their curriculum. Consequently, there’s an increasing demand for the cultivation of digital talent across all sectors. The Faculty of Business Administration has established the “Digital Management Human Resource Development Track: DIGIT (Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track).” Through this track, students will harness digital technologies, such as data science, mathematical statistics, and AI, to analyze business and social data, derive insights, and innovate. This will culminate in the development of ‘digital management talent,’ a subset of the ‘value-creating talent’ that the Faculty of Business Administration aims to nurture, equipped to drive innovations in societal structures, process reforms, new product and service development, and entrepreneurial ventures.



  1. regardless of their major: Replaced “background” with “major” since “文理” in the original refers to humanities/sciences, suggesting the academic focus.
  2. acquire foundational knowledge: A slight rephrase to make the statement clearer and more fluid.
  3. cultivation of digital talent across all sectors: Reorganized the sentence for clarity.
  4. Through this track: Added for clarity and to make the flow smoother.
  5. harness digital technologies: Changed “use and utilise” to “harness” to avoid redundancy and make the expression more concise.
  6. derive insights, and innovate: Simplified and streamlined the structure for improved flow.
  7. culminate in the development of: Introduced to clarify the end goal of the track and to streamline the sentence structure.
  8. drive innovations in: Altered phrasing for better clarity and flow.

Overall, these changes aim to enhance clarity, reduce redundancy, and improve the coherence of the translation.



#英語訳(訂正版) The government’s AI Strategy 2019, announced in 2019, sets the goal of having all university and technical college students, regardless of their field of study, acquire elementary level skills in mathematics, data science and AI through their courses. The strategy also calls for the development of digital human resources in all fields. The Faculty of Business Administration has established a new track called DIGIT (Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track), which aims to develop ‘digital management human resources’ (a subtype of ‘value-creating human resources’ as defined by the faculty) who can use and apply digital technologies such as data science, mathematical statistics and AI to analyse business and social data, discover insights, and create innovations in various domains such as social transformation, process improvement, new product and service development, and business creation.



  1. of havingという前置詞句を使いました。thatという関係代名詞は、主節と従属節の間に距離があるときに使われることが多く、文章の流れを妨げる可能性があります。
  2. field of studyという単語を使いました。backgroundという単語は、学問だけでなく、出身地や家族なども含む可能性があります。
  3. skillsという単語を使いました。masterという動詞は、高度な能力を示すことが多く、初級レベルの習得とは矛盾する可能性があります。
  4. through their coursesという句を文末に移動しました。文頭に置くと、主語や目的語との関係が不明確になる可能性があります。
  5. The strategy also calls forという表現を使いました。andという接続詞は、前後の文が同じ主語や目的語を持つ場合に使われることが多く、別の話題に移る場合には不適切な場合があります。
  6. a new track called DIGITという表現を使いました。DIGITが新しいプログラムであることを強調するためです。
  7. which aims to developという関係代名詞句を使いました。DIGITの目的を明確にするためです。
  8. a subtype ofという単語を使いました。a type ofという単語は、種類や分類の意味で使われることが多く、階層的な関係を示す場合には不適切な場合があります。
  9. as defined by the facultyという句を追加しました。経営学部が定義した用語であることを示すためです。
  10. use and applyという動詞を使いました。use and utiliseという表現は、同じ意味の単語を繰り返しているように読める可能性があります。
  11. business and social dataという表現を使いました。business data and social dataという表現は、データの種類が多くなるほど読みにくくなる可能性があります。
  12. discover insightsという表現を使いました。search for insightsという表現は、探索の過程であることを示す場合に使われることが多く、結果や成果を示す場合には不適切な場合があります。
  13. in various domains such as …という句を追加しました。イノベーションの対象領域を具体的に示すためです。


3.perplexity AI(有料版; GPT4)による回答
The English translation of the Japanese text is generally accurate, but there are a few areas where it could be improved for clarity, readability, and grammatical correctness. Here are the suggested corrections:

  1. Original: The government’s AI Strategy 2019, announced in 2019, sets the goal that all university and technical college students, regardless of their background, should master elementary level mathematics, data science and AI in their courses, and the development of digital human resources is required in all fields.

    Suggested Correction: Announced in 2019, the government’s AI Strategy 2019 sets a goal for all university and technical college students, irrespective of their field of study, to master elementary level mathematics, data science, and AI in their courses. It underscores the need for the development of digital human resources across all fields.


    Reason: The phrase “regardless of their background” could be misinterpreted as referring to the students’ personal or cultural background. The term “irrespective of their field of study” is more precise. The sentence structure has also been revised for better readability.

  2. Original: The Faculty of Business Administration has established the Digital Management Human Resource Development Track: DIGIT (Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track), where students can use and utilise digital technologies such as data science, mathematical statistics and AI to analyse business data and social data to search for insights and develop new ones.

    Suggested Correction: The Faculty of Business Administration has established the ‘Digital Management Human Resource Development Track: DIGIT’ (Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track). This program enables students to leverage digital technologies, such as data science, mathematical statistics, and AI, to analyse business and social data, derive insights, and foster innovation.


    Reason: The phrase “use and utilise” is redundant. The term “leverage” is more appropriate in this context. The sentence structure has been revised for better readability.

  3. Original: The DIGIT track will develop ‘digital management human resources’ (a type of ‘value-creating human resources’ as set out by the Faculty of Business Administration) who can search for insights from business data and social data and create innovations such as new ways of being in society, process reform, new product and service development, and business creation.

    Suggested Correction: The DIGIT track aims to cultivate ‘digital management human resources’—a category of ‘value-creating human resources’ as defined by the Faculty of Business Administration. These individuals will be capable of extracting insights from business and social data and driving innovations, including societal transformation, process reform, new product and service development, and business creation.


    Reason: The term “develop” is vague in this context. The term “cultivate” is more specific and appropriate. The sentence structure has been revised for better readability and clarity.



経営学部では、「デジタル経営人材開発トラック:DIGIT(Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track)」を設置し、データサイエンス・数理統計・AI等のデジタル技術を利用・活用してビジネスデータ・ソーシャルデータの分析からインサイトを探索し、新たな社会の在り方やプロセス改革・新製品サービス開発・事業創造等のイノベーションを創造できる「デジタル経営人材」(経営学部が掲げる「価値創造人材」の一類型)を育成します。「数理統計」を「統計学」に修正。
The government’s AI Strategy 2019, announced in 2019, sets the goal that all university and technical college students, regardless of their background, should master elementary level mathematics, data science and AI in their courses, and the development of digital human resources is required in all fields.「文系・理系を問わず」を「regardless of their background」に修正。
The Faculty of Business Administration has established the Digital Management Human Resource Development Track: DIGIT (Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track), where students can use and utilise digital technologies such as data science, mathematical statistics and AI to analyse business data and social data to search for insights and develop new ones. The DIGIT track will develop ‘digital management human resources’ (a type of ‘value-creating human resources’ as set out by the Faculty of Business Administration) who can search for insights from business data and social data and create innovations such as new ways of being in society, process reform, new product and service development, and business creation.「数理統計」を「statistics」に修正。


  1. 日本語原文の「新たな社会の在り方」は、英語では「new ways of being in society」と訳すのが自然です。
  2. 日本語原文の「プロセス改革」は、英語では「process reform」と訳すのが自然です。
  3. 日本語原文の「新製品サービス開発」は、英語では「new product and service development」と訳すのが自然です。
  4. 日本語原文の「事業創造」は、英語では「business creation」と訳すのが自然です。




The government’s AI Strategy 2019, announced in 2019, sets the goal that all university and technical college students, regardless of their background, should master elementary level mathematics, data science and AI in their courses. The development of digital human resources is required in all fields.

The Faculty of Business Administration has established the Digital Management Human Resource Development Track: DIGIT (Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track), where students can use and utilise digital technologies such as data science, statistics and AI to analyse business data and social data to search for insights and develop new ones. The DIGIT track will develop ‘digital management human resources’ (a type of ‘value-creating human resources’ as set out by the Faculty of Business Administration) who can search for insights from business data and social data and create innovations such as new ways of being in society, process reform, new product and service development, and business creation.




重複表現:“data science and AI” という表現が2回連続で出現しています。2回目は “AI” のみで十分です。
前置詞:“search for insights” の後に “from” が必要です。
単語の選択:“social data” の代わりに “social media data” を使用すると、より現代的な表現になります。
専門用語:“DIGIT” は頭字語ですが、初めて見る人にとってはわかりにくいため、最初の出現時に説明を追加する必要があります。
The government’s AI Strategy 2019, announced in 2019, sets the goal that all university and technical college students, regardless of their background, should master elementary level mathematics, data science, and AI in their courses. The development of digital human resources is required in all fields.

The Faculty of Business Administration has established the Digital Management Human Resource Development Track: DIGIT (Digital Insights for Growth and Innovation Track). In this track, students learn to use and apply digital technologies such as data science, mathematical statistics, and AI to analyze business and social media data to gain insights. They then use these insights to develop innovations such as new ways of being in society, process reform, new product and service development, and business creation. These “digital management human resources” (a type of “value-creating human resources” as defined by the Faculty of Business Administration) are in high demand across all industries.

“data science and AI” を “data science, and AI” に修正
“search for insights” を “search for insights from” に修正
“social data” を “social media data” に修正
“DIGIT” の最初の出現時に説明を追加



カテゴリー: 文章読み上げ, 生成AIの利用法, 英文校閲, 英語AI音声 パーマリンク