TOEICテストリスニング 正解がわかるキーワード page 28/34
このページは TOEICテストリスニング 正解がわかるキーワード の電子ブックに掲載されている28ページの概要です。
156391392エクササイズ ①▼学習の成果のチェックを兼ねて、ここまで聞いてきた題材の中からピックアップした英文のディクテーションと、新たな模擬問題演習に挑戦してみましょう。音声を聞いて、下記のトランスクリ....
156391392エクササイズ ①▼学習の成果のチェックを兼ねて、ここまで聞いてきた題材の中からピックアップした英文のディクテーションと、新たな模擬問題演習に挑戦してみましょう。音声を聞いて、下記のトランスクリプションの空所を埋めてみましょう。1.______________ _________________, this is your ___________ speaking. I’mafraid our _____________ is going to ____ _____________ for a short time. Itseems that a service vehicle has broken down on the ____________ andmust be towed off. It should only take a few minutes to clear and thenwe’ll be on our way. It should be a smooth flight today. ____________________________ are nearly ideal. With any luck, we’ll make up the losttime en route. So, please _____________ _____________ with your seatbacks in the _____________ ______________ and the tray _____________________. Once again, welcome _____________ flight 7401 and weapologize for the short delay before our ______________.2.Later during today’s ______________ we’ll have an ____________________________ with Simone Greenwell, coach of the MMU Strikers, thetop women’s college team in the region. We’ll ask her why she thinksthere were so many penalties in last night’s game. Are her playersgetting too aggressive, or is it a refereeing __________? ________ ______is after that, ___________ _____ our regular ___________ ___________.______ ________, ______ Fran Polk brings you a panel discussion onthe new Green City initiative. Will new ______________ city policies beeffective in getting more bikes and fewer cars on the road? _______________________ to hear a lively debate on this __________.