ブックタイトルオバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み
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このページは オバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている18ページの概要です。
このページは オバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている18ページの概要です。
オバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み
16第422 歩兵連隊の業績と政治家ダニエル・イノウエSection 4 Track 05And it is here that we reflect on how war tests our mostenduring values; how, even as Japanese-Americans weredeprived of their own liberty during the war, one of themost decorated military units in the history of the UnitedStates was the 442nd Infantry Regiment and its 100th InfantryBattalion, the Japanese-American Nisei.In that 442nd served my friend and proud Hawaiian DanielInouye?a man who was a senator from Hawaii for mostof my life, and with whom I would find myself proud toserve in the Senate Chamber; a man who was not only therecipient of the Medal of Honor and the Presidential Medalof Freedom, but was one of the most distinguished statesmenof his generation as well.