ブックタイトルオバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み


このページは オバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている14ページの概要です。


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オバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み

12As dawn broke that December day, paradise never seemed sosweet. The water was warm and impossibly blue. Sailors atein the mess hall, or readied themselves for church, dressed incrisp white shorts and T-shirts.In the harbor, ships at anchor floated in neat rows?theCalifornia, the Maryland, and the Oklahoma; the Tennessee,the West Virginia, and the Nevada. On the deck of theArizona, the Navy Band was tuning up.That morning the ranks on men’s shoulders defined them lessthan the courage in their hearts. Across the island, Americansdefended themselves however they could?firing trainingshells, working old bolt-action rifles.An African-American mess steward, who would typically beconfined to cleaning duties, carried his commander to safety,and then fired an anti-aircraft gun until he ran out of ammo.12 月のその日の夜明けは……Section 2 Track 03