

このページは 多聴多読マガジン_2018-6月号_試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている38ページの概要です。


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120 2018 JUNEUnit 2 では日本観光について書かれたシンプルな英語の文章を掲載します。英語だけでなく、日本の観光に関する知識も増やしましょう。Section 1 Nikko ToshoguYou’re going to Nikko? You have to visitNikko Toshogu shrine, of course! It’s oneof the most famous Shinto shrines in Japan.Nikko Toshogu was built in 1617. It isdedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogunof the Tokugawa Shogunate.Nikko Toshogu has a number of decorativewooden animal carvings. Most of them aresaid to be symbols of peace. One of themost famous carvings are the “Three WiseMonkeys”.The “Three Wise Monkeys” are famous fortheir “see no evil, hear no evil, speak noevil” poses. One monkey is covering its eyes,one is covering its ears, and one is coveringits mouth. The carving was inspired by aBuddhist teaching which says that people whodo not hear, see or speak evil will be sparedfrom evil themselves.And don’t forget to check out the YomeimonGate. It’s listed as a National Treasure, andis considered to be one of the most beautifulgates in Japan. It is sometimes called “Gate ofthe Setting Sun,” because people can look atit all day without getting tired. It is decoratedwith over 500 carvings that show traditionalstories, children, and wise men.語注dedicate: ~を捧げるinspire: 着想を与えるBuddhist: 仏教のthree wise monkeys: 三猿。「見ざる、 聞かざる、言わざる」という3 つの叡智を示している。carving: 彫刻decorative: 装飾的なTokugawaShogunate: 徳川幕府YL 2.0-2.5 words 197 語LL 4.3 wpm 153 語■ ①リスニング■ ②シンクロ■ ③シャドーイングUnit 2 英語で聞く日本観光 日光編national treasure: 国宝Track34see no evil: 悪事を見ない。ここでは「見ざる」をこう表した。traditional: 伝説上の