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このページは 多聴多読マガジン_2018-6月号_試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている13ページの概要です。
このページは 多聴多読マガジン_2018-6月号_試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている13ページの概要です。
2018 JUNE 23特集●レベル別リスニング●概要数百年前にイングランドで始まり、peasant(農民)に愛されたサッカー。当初はルールらしいものが何もありませんでした。誰でも、何人でも参加でき、何でもアリの荒々しいものだったため、為政者に嫌われ、禁止されますが……。( p.62 からこの文章の全文を読むことができます)●解説ひとりのナレーターがサッカーの歴史について書かれたノンフィクションを読み上げています。“The only rule was that there were norules.” では、本来強勢が置かれないwere に強勢を置いて「唯一のルールは、ルールがなかったということ」という点を強調しています。A few hundred years ago people started playing football inEngland.Back then, the working people were called peasants.They liked to play football because they could play it in the streets.They called the street games mob football.Anyone could play.It didn’t matter how many people were on a team.The only rule was that there were no rules. Players could kick the ball or kick each other.They could do anything to make a score except kill someone.You can imagine this game was rough!The English kings did not like this.Several kings banned football for the peasants.They wanted the peasants to work and not play.Mob football caused too much fighting.Stray footballs broke windows.One time a ball flew into a barber shop.The man in the chair died when the barber’s razor slipped.However, upper class people decided to let students play it in schools.Their children liked the game, and perhaps the parents did, too.(164 words / 123 wpm)Track07読みやすさレベル(YL)1.8-2.2リスニングレベル(LL)2.7Copyright c DarakwonPublishing Company 2017English Edition published2017, by arrangement withDarakwon, by Happy HouseEnglish Edition Copyright c2017, Happy House音源4 The World’s Most Popular SportsLevel 2