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このページは 多聴多読マガジン_2018-6月号_試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている11ページの概要です。
このページは 多聴多読マガジン_2018-6月号_試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている11ページの概要です。
2018 JUNE 21特集●レベル別リスニング●概要映画『シビル・ウォー/キャプテン・アメリカ』のセリフに出てくるwatch their back の意味とは? ① be on guard(用心する)それとも② turn around(振り向く)? 2 回くり返される映画のセリフを注意して聞き、文脈から予想してみましょう。●解説効果音や音楽が入りますが、普段の会話も様々な生活音の中で聞こえてくる中で話されるのがふつうです。ときにはこういういろいろな音が混じる音声を使って、聞きたい音に集中して聞く練習をしましょう。Welcome to English @ the Movies where we teach you AmericanEnglish heard at the movies. Today’s saying is “watch their back”from the movie “Captain America: Civil War”. It is an action filmabout a group of super heroes known as the Avengers. In this partthere are troubles between Captain America and Iron Man. Listenfor the saying “watch their back”.“You just started a war. ” “They’re coming for you.”“I’m not the one that needs to watch their back.”So what is the meaning of “watch their back”? To be on guard orto turn around. Listen again and see if you are correct.“You just started a war. ” “They’re coming for you.”“I’m not the one that needs to watch their back.”To watch their back means to be prepared or on guard. It meanssomeone could be trying to hurt you. Both in the movie and in reallife, the saying they’re coming for you is not something you want tohear. It means bad people are coming and want to hurt you.So, you better “watch your back” and make sure they do notcome up behind you.(195 words / 108 wpm)Track05読みやすさレベル(YL)2.0-2.5リスニングレベル(LL)1.2音源2 VOA English @ the MoviesLevel 1※Voice of America/English @ the Movies: ‘Watch Their Back’より抜粋