ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン067_4月号 試し読み


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多聴多読マガジン067_4月号 試し読み

136 2018 APRILUnit 2 では日本観光について書かれたシンプルな英語の文章を掲載します。英語だけでなく、日本の観光に関する知識も増やしましょう。Section 1 KaminarimonAre you going to Asakusa today? You shouldtake a photo in front of Kaminarimon. That’sthe famous red gate that leads to Sensojitemple. Kaminarimon is a symbol of theAsakusa area. It’s also a symbol of Tokyo.There are two statues in the gate. On the leftis the god of thunder and on the right is thegod of wind. The god of thunder has drums tomake the sound of thunder. The god of windhas a bag that is said to be filled with wind.In the middle of the gate is a huge red lantern.It’s about four meters high, and it weighsabout 700 kilograms. Most people just lookat the front of the lantern. But don’t forget tocheck out the bottom of the lantern, too. It hasa beautiful wooden carving of a dragon.A restored version of the lantern was donatedin 2003 by Konosuke. He was the founder ofPanasonic. In 1960 he became ill, so he wentto Sensoji temple to pray. After that, he gotbetter. He donated the lantern to express hisappreciation.Many people take photos in front ofKaminarimon. There are rickshaws offeringrides, too. Taking a rickshaw is a fun way togo sightseeing around Asakusa.語注Sensoji temple: 浅草寺carving: 彫刻restore: 修復する、再建するKonosuke: パナソニック創業者の松下幸之助のこと。正確には1960 年に松下幸之助が大提灯の奉納を行い、2003 年に江戸開社400 年を記念して提灯が新調された。appreciation: 感謝be filled with... : ~に満ちてlantern: 提灯YL 2.0-2.5 words 214 語LL 4.3 wpm 153 語■ ①リスニング■ ②シンクロ■ ③シャドーイングUnit 2 英語で聞く日本観光Track24rickshaw: 人力車sightseeing: 観光