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124 2018 FEBRUARYUnit 3 ここでは2017 年にノーベル文学賞を受賞したカズオ・イシグロのインタビューを取り上げます。最新作である『忘れられた巨人』について本人が語っています。ノーベル文学賞受賞の作家が、自作について語るカズオ・イシグロ解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学グローバル・コミュニケーション学部教授)Kazuo Ishiguro: My new book, The Buried Giant, is set long,long ago in Britain. It’s actually set in the 5th century. So it’slong, long ago, and it’s after the Romans have left Britain. Sothe ? Empire has withdrawn, but it’s before the people that umyou would know of as the English have actually arrived. TheAnglo-Saxons are arriving as ? immigrants and settling in thecountry.So we’re talking about a very ?mysterious period in the? history of Britain. When it has not become English, and ithas just stopped being part of the Roman ? Empire. And thereis an- a very uneasy ? atmosphere between the ? ethnic groupsthat live within the country.Okay, so- so that- that is the period in which it’s set. But it’sit’snot really a very accurate ? historical setting, becausethere are also ogres and pixies. All the things that people ofthat time might have believed in- in a ? superstitious way, um,I have allowed to actually exist in the literal way in- in thisbook.So it’s a ? metaphorical, ? mythological version of this? mysterious bridge point in Britain’s ? history.Section 1 小説の舞台設定は、大昔のイギリスです。【耳のつけどころ】やや難易度が高い語が並んでいます。強勢位置を間違えやすい語を確認しておきましょう。YL 3.5-4.0 words 187 語LL 5.1 wpm 163 語■ ①リスニング■ ②シンクロ■ ③シャドーイングTrack41インタビュー