

このページは 多聴多読マガジン2018年02月号_試読み の電子ブックに掲載されている20ページの概要です。


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104 2018 FEBRUARYPrince Harry: It happened a few weeks ago, um, early this month, here at, at our cottage, um, just a standard, typical night for us.Meghan: Just a cozy night. It was- what were we doing? Just roasting chicken and having…Prince Harry: Roasting chicken, trying to roast chicken.Meghan: Trying to roast a chicken, and it was just- just an amazing surprise. It was so sweet and, and natural and very romantic. He got on one knee.Prince Harry: The fact that I, the fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was, uh, was sort of confirmation to me that- that everything- everything- all the stars were aligned, everything was just perfect.It was?this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life, I fell into her life. And the fact that she- I, I know the fact that she’ll be really unbelievably good at the job part of it as well.2017年11?27日、イギリス王室のヘンリー王子(通称ハリー王子)と、アメリカの女優メーガン・マークルさんの婚約が発表されました。婚約会見のほんの一部を抜粋して紹介します。なお、ふたりの結婚式は2018年の春頃になる見通しです。信じられないほどすぐに恋に落ちてしまった。Track32ヘンリー王子の婚約発表特別記事1