多聴多読マガジン Vol.43 2014年4月号 試読 page 39/54
このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.43 2014年4月号 試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている39ページの概要です。
Track 15 2014 APRIL 1179I had many careers during my life. I was a painter, anarchitect, an engineer and a scientist. But I was alsoa dreamer who ....
Track 15 2014 APRIL 1179I had many careers during my life. I was a painter, anarchitect, an engineer and a scientist. But I was alsoa dreamer who dreamed of the future. Some of thethings I dreamed about only happened many yearsafter my death.I was born, on 15th April 1452, in a village near the Italiantown of Vinci. In those days, all the great cities of Italywere separate countries. Vinci belonged to the city ofFlorence.My father, Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, was alawyer in Florence. My mother, who was called Caterina,was a poor girl from the village. My father gave me agood education, and perhaps he wanted me to become alawyer like him. However, my interest was in art.2_Architects_Artists.indd 9 1/11/14 12:04 AM