多聴多読マガジン Vol.43 2014年4月号 試読

多聴多読マガジン Vol.43 2014年4月号 試読 page 11/54


このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.43 2014年4月号 試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている11ページの概要です。

2014 APRIL 29●大特集 スタートはやさしい洋書で30万語!No. レベル YL タイトル 語数88 7 0.7-0.8 Lost Key, The 1,050 語89 7 0.7-0.8 Willow Pattern Plot, The 932 語90 7 0.7-0.8 Submarine Adventure 890 語....

2014 APRIL 29●大特集 スタートはやさしい洋書で30万語!No. レベル YL タイトル 語数88 7 0.7-0.8 Lost Key, The 1,050 語89 7 0.7-0.8 Willow Pattern Plot, The 932 語90 7 0.7-0.8 Submarine Adventure 890 語91 7A 0.7-0.8 Motorway, The 883 語92 7A 0.7-0.8 Bully, The 852 語93 7A 0.7-0.8 Hunt for Gold, The 916 語94 7A 0.7-0.8 Chinese Adventure 880 語95 7A 0.7-0.8 Roman Adventure 600 語96 7A 0.7-0.8 Jigsaw Puzzle, The 854 語97 7B 0.7-0.8 Power Cut, The 879 語98 7B 0.7-0.8 Australian Adventure 889 語99 7B 0.7-0.8 Riddle Stone, The: Part 1 889 語100 7B 0.7-0.8 Riddle Stone, The: Part 2 925 語101 7B 0.7-0.8 Sea Mystery, A 927 語102 7B 0.7-0.8 Big Breakfast, The 793 語103 8 0.9-1.0 Kidnappers, The 877 語104 8 0.9-1.0 Viking Adventure 914 語105 8 0.9-1.0 Rainbow Machine, The 992 語106 8 0.9-1.0 Flying Carpet, The 1,034 語107 8 0.9-1.0 Day in London, A 890 語108 8 0.9-1.0 Victorian Adventure 922 語109 8A 0.9-1.0 Pocket Money 1,266 語110 8A 0.9-1.0 Evil Genie, The 1,294 語111 8A 0.9-1.0 Save Floppy! 1,248 語112 8A 0.9-1.0 What Was It Like? 1,245 語113 8A 0.9-1.0 Flood! 1,149 語114 8A 0.9-1.0 Epyptian Adventure 1,121 語115 9 1.0-1.4 Green Island 1,500 語116 9 1.0-1.4 Storm Castle 1,386 語117 9 1.0-1.4 Superdog 1,490 語118 9 1.0-1.4 Litter Queen, The 1,452 語119 9 1.0-1.4 Quest, The 1,507 語120 9 1.0-1.4 Survival Adventure 1,468 語121 9A 1.0-1.4 Blue Eye, The 1,226 語122 9A 1.0-1.4 Rescue! 1,308 語123 9A 1.0-1.4 Dutch Adventure 1,369 語124 9A 1.0-1.4 Finest in the Land, The 1,275 語125 9A 1.0-1.4 Flying Machine, The 1,278 語126 9A 1.0-1.4 Key Trouble 1,278 語0.6-1.1 FRL 1-5: Foundations Reading Library 1-5 29,718 語127 1 0.6-0.6 Sarah’s Surprise 526 語128 1 0.6-0.6 Goodbye, Hello! 568 語129 1 0.6-0.6 Rain! Rain! Rain! 504 語130 1 0.6-0.6 Bad Dog? Good Dog! 622 語131 1 0.6-0.6 Get the Ball! 521 語132 1 0.6-0.6 Tickets, The 620 語133 2 0.7-0.7 Sk8 for Jake 724 語134 2 0.7-0.7 New Guitar, The 716 語135 2 0.7-0.7 Trouble at the Zoo 757 語136 2 0.7-0.7 Singer Wanted! 648 語137 2 0.7-0.7 Old Boat, New Boat 713 語138 2 0.7-0.7 Cave, The 726 語139 3 0.8-0.8 Slam Dunk for Mark 771 語No. レベル YL タイトル 語数140 3 0.8-0.8 Kung Fu Kid 762 語141 3 0.8-0.8 Good Friend, A 980 語142 3 0.8-0.8 Quick Thinking 693 語143 3 0.8-0.8 I Always Win! 681 語144 3 0.8-0.8 Quiz Night 895 語145 4 0.9-0.9 I Spy 1,280 語146 4 0.9-0.9 Go Jimmy Go! 1,347 語147 4 0.9-0.9 Do I Tell? 1,330 語148 4 0.9-0.9 Lost at Sea 1,405 語149 4 0.9-0.9 Shipwreck, The 1,301 語150 4 0.9-0.9 Mystery on the Island 1,422 語151 5 1.0-1.1 Who’s Best? 1,605 語152 5 1.0-1.1 Big Test, The 1,127 語153 5 1.0-1.1 Where’s Lorena? 1,636 語154 5 1.0-1.1 Boys vs. Girls 1,710 語155 5 1.0-1.1 Think Daniela! 1,444 語156 5 1.0-1.1 Bear’s Mouth, The 1,684 語ココまで全冊読むと、約10 万語読破!No. レベル YL タイトル 語数0.8-1.2 RTR2: Henry and Mudge 12,160 語157 0.9-1.2 Henry and Mudge: The First Book 814 語158 0.9-1.2 Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days 810語159 0.8-1.2 Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas 568 語160 0.8-1.2 Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas 629 語161 1.0-1.2 Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble 1,291 語162 0.9-1.2 Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin 1,129 語163 0.9-1.2 Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend 979 語164 0.9-1.2 Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat 902 語165 0.9-1.2 Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test 882 語166 0.8-1.0 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind 778 語167 0.8-1.0 Henry and Mudge in the Green Time 764 語168 0.8-1.0 Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea 680 語169 0.8-1.0 Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers 675 語170 0.8-1.0 Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan 641語171 0.8-1.0 Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps 618 語1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter and Tabby 10,543 語172 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Pour the Tea 550 語173 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake 866 語174 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Fly the Plane 908 語175 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Paint the Porch 575 語176 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Pick the Pears 809語177 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Row the Boat 638 語178 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Take the Train 605 語179 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Catch the Cold 692 語180 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Toot the Horn 595 語181 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Walk the Dog 675 語182 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Feed the Fish 678 語183 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Stir the Soup 731 語184 1.0-1.4 Mr. Putter & Tabby Spin the Yarn 810 語まずは10 万語読破!やさしい児童書にトライ! → p.16