ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.75_2019年08月号 試読


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多聴多読マガジン Vol.75_2019年08月号 試読

120 2019 AUGUSTUnit 2 では日本観光について書かれたシンプルな英語の文章を掲載します。英語だけでなく、日本の観光名所に関する知識も増やしましょう。Section 1 Itsukushima ShrineYou said you’re going to Hiroshima on your summerholidays, right? In that case, you have to visit ItsukushimaShrine. The red torii gate on the water is one of the mostfamous sights in Japan. Nowadays the shrine is evenmore popular, because of the photos that people post onInstagram.Itsukushima means “island of worship.” Actually, in ancienttimes the island was believed to be a god. To avoid buildinga shrine on the sacred island, Itsukushima Shrine was builtin the sea.The large red torii gate is the symbol of ItsukushimaShrine. The architecture incorporates the ebb-and-flow ofthe ocean. At high tide, the gate looks as if it’s floating onthe water. And at low tide, you can actually walk to thegate. Itsukushima Shrine was listed as a World HeritageSite in 1996.Itsukushima Shrine is located on Miyajima Island, so youhave to take a short ferry ride to get there. You can see a lotof deer on Miyajima. In ancient Japan deer were consideredmessengers of gods, and deer are still protected and wellcared for.YL 2.0-2.5 words 185 語LL 4.0 wpm 148 語■ ①リスニング■ ②シンクロ■ ③シャドーイングUnit 2 英語で聞く日本観光 広島編Track38語注in that case: もしそうなら/ shrine: 神社/ nowadays: 近頃は/ post on... : ~に投稿する/Instagram: インスタグラム/ worship: 崇拝、礼拝。厳島はイツク(神に仕える)が語源なので、island of worship と表した/ ancient : 昔の、古代の/ the island was believed to be a god:その島は神だと信じられた、島全体が信仰の対象になったことを表している/ avoid -ing: ~するのを避ける/ sacred: 神聖な/ symbol: 象徴/ architecture: 建物、建築様式/ incorporate: 組み込む、取り入れる/ ebb-and-flow: 潮の満ち引き/ high tide: 満潮(時)/ float: 浮く、浮かぶ/low tide: 干潮(時)/ list: 載せる、記録する/ World Heritage Site : 世界遺産/ locate: ~に置く、~に設置する/ take a ferry ride: フェリーに乗船する/ deer: 鹿/ messenger: 使い