ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.75_2019年08月号 試読


このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.75_2019年08月号 試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている32ページの概要です。


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多聴多読マガジン Vol.75_2019年08月号 試読

104 2019 AUGUST(新作アルバムのタイトル『マダムX』や楽曲「Medellin」の歌詞に込めた意味について)Madonna: What I mean by that line is, naive in terms of notcaring what people think. And I feel like when I started mycareer as an artist, I was naive.And there’s a good thing about being naive, because youdon’t think about judgement, you don’t think about whatpeople are going to say or think about what you’re doing.And you are free and pure in your expression.So I wanted to be able to go back to that time in my lifewhen I was just starting out in New York, and I didn’tcare what people thought, and my music really camewithout listening to all the noise and recommendations orsuggestions, or whatever.And that is also the time in my life, when I was 19, when Iwas given the name Madame X. So the whole story comesfull circle. Okay? Short enough answer for you?(154 words)Madonna特別記事VIPヴォイスTrack27 #1『マダムX』のタイトルに込めた意味とは?(日本語訳:王身代晴樹)①②③④