ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.74_2019年06月号 試読


このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.74_2019年06月号 試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている18ページの概要です。


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多聴多読マガジン Vol.74_2019年06月号 試読

98 2019 JUNEQ: For the characters, Loki is the calculated, planning one,and Thor is wild and a bit impulsive. Was that anythingthat you replicated offset as well?Tom Hiddleston: Not really, uh, I don’t know. I mean,actually, um, Chris is a really centered and relaxed, kind ofguy, and I’m probably a little bit wilder and impulsive thanhe is in many senses.But we’re playing characters and the joy of inhabiting, othercharacters is that you can kind of?you can go to emotionalplaces that maybe you don’t get to go to in your own life.Yeah?it’s weird. I can’t really explain why the brotherlything works. I think?the other thing I should say is it’smuch easier to be really nasty to somebody that you reallylike. If he and I didn’t like each other so much, I think itwould be actually harder to sort of be so, competitive and,um, nasty to each other on screen. So that’s my experience.(165 words)Tom Hiddleston特別記事VIPヴォイスTrack29 #1 ソーとは対照的なロキ役を演じてみて(日本語訳:王身代晴樹)①②③④