ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.72 2019年02月号試読


このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.72 2019年02月号試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている32ページの概要です。


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多聴多読マガジン Vol.72 2019年02月号試読

108 2019 FEBRUARY(『アベンジャーズ/ インフィニティ・ウォー』での共演者たちについて/ 2018 年4 月23 日のインタビューより)One of the most impressive moments, actually, was, uh,working with Josh. And, uh, everyone… he was beingpulled and pushed and punched and all sorts?whilespeaking at the same time, while wearing the mostridiculous costume I’ve ever seen?he essentially wearslike a, uh, an American football?what are they called??the pads and a helmet with a tennis ball on the top and he’sstanding on a podium and he’s got these big arms that hehas to hold on to?like, he looks ridiculous.But he was so cool in how he did it. And he was so strongand so awesome. Um, so, for me, that was the?one of thecoolest moments.Chris Pratt is just too funny. Like, too funny, and I don’tmean that in a way… I just, he… sometimes I can’t workwith him because he makes me laugh too much and wecan’t get my close-up. Yeah, he’s hilarious.Q: I’m so happy to know he’s exactly how you’d imaginehim to be.Ah, he 100 percent is. He’s even more so. You know howyou, like, see someone and you imagine what they’ll be like?He’s that version.(199 words)Track32 トム・ホランドのインタビュー①②③④⑤cMTV International / CC-BY