ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.72 2019年02月号試読


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多聴多読マガジン Vol.72 2019年02月号試読

30 2019 FEBRUARYSection 5   ユアン・マクレガーのインタビューユアン・マクレガーのインタビュー音声です。原稿を読んでいるわけではなく、その場で考えながら即興で話しているため、しばしば言いよどんでいます。I’ve been lucky enough to be an ? ambassador ? for thecharity Unicef ? for some time. And, uh, I’ve been, uh?? during my travels around the ?world, I’ve seen how, uh,Unicef have helped, um, children in many, many differentways.In some simple ways, like, um?in Kazakhstan, I sawsome schools where the?Unicef had helped to buildclimbing walls, and the kids were now climbing, and theywere?they’d given them a kind of purpose that they didn’thave ? before, and the- the effect was that it had stoppedalcohol abuse and drug abuse in that area.I’ve seen kids in Africa been given, um, essential, um,injections and things that they need from- from babies tohelp them to ? grow?vitamins that we would take ? forgranted here. I’ve seen women being treated, uh, so thatthey don’t pass on HIV and AIDS to their ?newborn babies.Um, really some really essential things that are going on inthe world. So, seeing as I’ve been given this opportunity tosay something to you, I would say, if you wanted to help ina small or a big way, then you should find out by going tounicef.com and seeing how you could help out. Ok.(208 words)語注ambassador for the charity Unicef:ユニセフ親善大使/ Kazakhstan:カザフスタン(カスピ海の北東にある共和国)/ climbing wall:クライミングウォール(ロッククライミング用の壁、ボルダリング用の壁)/ alcohol abuse:アルコール乱用/ drugabuse:薬物乱用/ injection:注射/ take for granted:当然のことと[当たり前だと]思う/ treat:治療する/ pass on:(病気を)うつす/ HIV:human innunodeficiencyvirus。ヒト免疫不全ウイルス/ AIDS:エイズ、後天性免疫不全症/ essential:きわめて重要なTrack12cTheJalouTV / CC-BY