ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.70_2018年10月号 試読


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多聴多読マガジン Vol.70_2018年10月号 試読

120 2018 OCTOBERUnit 2 では日本の観光地について書かれたシンプルな英語の文章を掲載します。英語だけでなく、日本の名所旧跡に関する知識も増やしましょう。Section 1 Fushimi Inari ShrineOh, you’re going to visit Kyoto before youleave Japan? Why don’t you go to FushimiInari Shrine? These days it seems to be oneof the most popular shrines among foreignvisitors.Why is it so popular? One reason is thatit appeared in the 2005 Hollywood movieMemoirs of a Geisha. Also, it’s real lyInstagrammable! It’s famous for its manyvermillion torii gates.There are about 10,000 gates along the maintrail behind the shrine, and the number isincreasing all the time. The trail goes up amountain about 233 meters high, which is alsopart of the shrine grounds.“Inari” means fox. In Shinto, it is said that awhite fox is a messenger of the god Inari. Sothere are a lot of statues and pictures of foxesat Inari shrines. The image is different fromthe “sly fox” image that many people think of.By the way, Fushimi Inari Shrine is alsoknown for grilled sparrow. It’s said thatfarmers began reducing the number ofsparrows because they’re harmful to the ricecrop, so grilled sparrow became a culinaryspecialty in the area. If you like grilledchicken, you might want to try it!語注Fushimi InariShrine: 伏見稲荷大社(旧称は稲荷神社)。全国に3 万あると言われる稲荷神社の総本社。messenger: 使いの者、配達人trail: 小道。神社の参道はpath やapproachなどで表されることもある。increase: 増えるYL 2.5-3.0 words 200 語LL 4.0 wpm 149 語appear: 出る、現れるinstagrammable: インスタ映えするvermillion: 朱色の■ ①リスニング■ ②シンクロ■ ③シャドーイングUnit 2 英語で聞く日本観光 京都編by the way: ついでながら、ところでgrill: 焼くsparrow: スズメcrop: 収穫物、収穫culinary: 台所の、料理のTrack46