ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol69_2018年08月号 試読


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多聴多読マガジン Vol69_2018年08月号 試読

102 2018 AUGUST(朝鮮半島で過去に起こった歴史に言及して)Nearly 70 years ago, think of that, 70 years ago, anextremely bloody conflict ravaged the Korean Peninsula.Countless people died in the conflict. Including tens ofthousands of brave Americans. Yet while the armistice wasagreed to, the war never ended. To this day, never ended.But now we can all have hope that it will soon end?andit will, it will soon end.The past does not have to define the future. Yesterday’sconflict does not have to be tomorrow’s war.And as history has proven over and over again, adversariescan indeed become friends. We can honor the sacrifice ofour forefathers by replacing the horrors of battle with theblessings of peace. And that’s what we’re doing, and that’swhat we’ve done.There is no limit to what North Korea can achieve when itgives up its nuclear weapons and embraces commerce andengagement with the rest of the world?that really wants toengage.語注conflict: 戦闘/ravage: 破壊する/peninsula: 半島/armistice: 休戦/define: 定義する/adversary: 敵/forefather: 先祖/embrace: 応じる、受け入れるトランプ大統領の米朝会談演説Donald Trump特別記事VIPヴォイスSection 1Track20 #1(日本語訳:編集部)(6 月12 日、シンガポール・カペラホテルで行われた記者会見での冒頭発言)