ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol69_2018年08月号 試読


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多聴多読マガジン Vol69_2018年08月号 試読

2018 AUGUST 29英語で学ぶ!特集世界の料理Texas-Style Pork RibsIngredients(材料)1.8kg pork spare ribs44g paprika5g cayenne pepper (optional extra for seasoning)30g garlic powder118g chopped onions2 garlic cloves, minced470ml ketchup118ml hot water15g chili powdersea salt and freshly ground black pepperDirections(作り方)1. In a medium bowl, stir together the paprika, 1 tsp. of the cayenne pepper andthe garlic powder. Generously season with sea salt and black pepper.2. Coat the ribs liberally with the spice mixture. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours.3. Preheat your oven to 135℃ , and bake, uncovered, for 3 to 4 hours, or until theribs are tender.4. Add some cooking fat to a saucepan placed over a medium heat.5. Cook the onion and garlic until lightly browned.6. Stir in the ketchup, and cook for 5 more mins, stirring constantly.7. Add in the water, honey and chili powder, and season to tastewith cayenne pepper, salt and pepper.8. Reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for 30 mins.9. Preheat your grill to a medium-low heat.10. Grill the ribs for 20 mins, turning occasionally.11. Baste ribs with the sauce during the last 10 mins of grilling.12. Serve warm with the remaining sauce.●レッスンで実際に使用した英語レシピA5 Cooking川崎市高津区千年http://a5cooking.com/テキサス風ポークリブ。別途用意した自家製のチミチュリ・ソースのおかげでさっぱり食べられる一品。語注 cayenne: カイエンペッパー/optional extra for... : お好みで~/chop: 小さく刻む/ clove: 一片/ mince: ひき肉にする/ grind: 細かく砕く/ generously: たっぷりと/ coat: ぬる/ liberally: 大量に/preheat: 予熱する/ bake: 焼く/ tender: 柔らかい/ reduce theheat to low:弱火にする/simmer: グツグツ煮える/baste:( 肉などに)タレなどをかけながら焼く声に出して読んでみよう!