ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジンVol65 2017年12月号試読


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多聴多読マガジンVol65 2017年12月号試読

126 2017 DECEMBERUnit 3 今回は『スター・ウォーズ』エピソード4 ?6 の主人公、ルーク・スカイウォーカー役でおなじみのマーク・ハミルのインタビューをご紹介します。聴衆へのサービス精神たっぷりの愛嬌あふれる英語を楽しみながら聞いてみましょう。『スター・ウォーズ』のルーク・スカイウォーカー役でおなじみ!マーク・ハミル解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学グローバル・コミュニケーション学部教授)Q: At school were you the cocky kind of confident type?Mark Hamill: I went to nine schools in 12 years. / Okay. ’Causewe moved all the time because my dad was in the Navy. / AndI’ve? that’s how I wound up going to Yokohama High School in? Japan. /And I used humor as a weapon, you know? Because if you couldmake a bully laugh, they- / they forget why they wanted to punchyou in the ? face. / Uh, and I wasn’t really / an athlete. The thingsI was good at athletically, like swimming or? / I did join thewrestling team for / a year? but uh, / I didn’t play football. /Or, you know, yeah. I? I like making people laugh. / But I wasn’treally ? / I’d always sit in the back of the uh, classroom to sortof / suss out and figure out where I belonged, who should I hangwith, and all that. And then / you just get to the part where youfeel like you’re sort of comfortable, and, you know, whup, dadgot transferred. We’re going to... / wherever. / Pennsylvania / orVirginia or? or San Diego. /So, no. I wasn’t the class clown, I? I was like the? I was the? sidekick. I loved class clowns. / I love to laugh. / I’m a goodaudience. And uh, / I would hang out with the class clowns./May the force be with you. / All right, give that guy a picture*.Another question. /Section 1 いじめ対策はユーモアを武器に!【耳のつけどころ】音の高低が作り出すイントネーションの「山」の形は、強勢を受ける語の音節数や強勢の位置によって異なります。YL 3.5-4.0 words 227 語LL 6.9 wpm 187 語■ ①リスニング■ ②シンクロ■ ③シャドーイングTrack46インタビュー