ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン10月号 試読み


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多聴多読マガジン10月号 試読み

120 2016 OCTOBERUnit 2 では世界遺産について書かれたシンプルな英語の文章を掲載します。英語だけでなく、世界遺産に関する知識も増やしましょう。中国の世界遺産Section 1 the Great WallSo you’re going travel around China after yourbusiness trip to Beijing? You should definitelysee the Great Wall.Starting around the 7th century BC, severalwalls were built to protect against invadersfrom the north. In the 3rd century BC, thefirst emperor of the unified China joinedthose walls together. It’s said that this was thebeginning of the Great Wall.The construction and improvement of theGreat Wall continued through many dynastiesuntil the 17th century. Eventually the GreatWall became the biggest military structure inthe world. Most of the existing wall was builtduring the Ming dynasty.The size of the Great Wall is amazing. It’sover 2,000 kilometers long, it averages about7 meters high, and it’s 9 meters wide at itswidest point. The wall crosses through tenprovinces. People often say that the Great Wallcan be seen from the moon. Most experts saythis is not true; nonetheless, the Great Wall istruly impressive.語注Great Wall: 万里の長城dynasty: 王朝YL 2.5-3.0 words 163 語LL 4.0 wpm 142 語■ ①リスニング■ ②シンクロ■ ③シャドーイングTrack40Unit 2 英語で聞く世界遺産