ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.62 2017年06月号 試読


このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.62 2017年06月号 試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている42ページの概要です。


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多聴多読マガジン Vol.62 2017年06月号 試読

130 2017 JUNEなま素材Q: What were the biggest challenges of the role?EW: I think it was creating- it was creating- / for me, anyway, / I wasfascinated to create / what- ? you know, / understand more of who Belle*was, / to understand more of her past before we saw her in the animation./ Um, / you know, what was her child look like- childhood like? / Um,who was her mother? / Um, / what did she like to do? / Um, / and- and notjust that, but for me, I was also really hungry / for there to be / more / ofthese moments of intimacy between / Beast and Belle. / I really wanted tounderstand / where the moments were, / where they were connecting and, /you know, how they fell in love. /And Dan* and I had an amazing time / kind of figuring out, / um, /you know, additional dialogue to / give them a sense of, / you know,? repartee. / Um, / you know, they- they’re very- they both have very quick?minds , / and / so it’s- it was really fun. / And they really meet eachother toe to toe. That was my favorite part about what is first a friendship/ and then becomes a romance, / is that, um, / you know - you know, Beastwould bang on the door and Belle would bang back *really (badly) hard.And, / you know, uh, / we would fight over books. / And / it- the- thefriendship had, like, a really dynamic / spirit and force to it.And / I also loved this idea that / Beast and Belle kind of are the same- /to me they’re the same person. Their love story is about / finding a way tobecome whole, / and / the kind of battle and the journey of- of- / of how /they each became / whole through the romance. So / that was really- thatwas really fun for me to- to pull out…Section 2 ベルを演じるための努力とは【耳のつけどころ】um、uh、you know、のようなつなぎ語や言い直し、繰り返しは、本来できるだけ少ない方がスムーズに聞こえますが、伝えたい内容を考えるための間を持たせるには便利なフレーズです。YL 5.5-6.0 words 285LL 5.8 wpm 165■ ①リスニング■ ②シンクロ■ ③シャドーイングTrack36Unit 4 スター・インタビュー