ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.61 2017年04月号試読
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このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.61 2017年04月号試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている44ページの概要です。
このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.61 2017年04月号試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている44ページの概要です。
多聴多読マガジン Vol.61 2017年04月号試読
128 2017 APRILUnit 3 スピーチCharles Chaplin: You have the love of humanity in yourhearts. / You don’t hate. / Only the unloved hate, / the unlovedand the unnatural. /Soldiers, / don’t fight for slavery! / Fight for liberty! /In the seventeenth chapter of St. Luke it is written: / “TheKingdom of God is within man.” / Not one man, nor a ? groupof men, / but in all men! In you! / You, the ? people, have the? power! / The ? power to create machines. / The ? power tocreate happiness. /You the ? people have the ? power / to make this life ? free andbeautiful, / to make this life a wonderful adventure. / Then inthe name of democracy, / let us use that ? power. /? Let us all unite! / ? Let us fight for a new world. / A decentworld, / that will give men a chance to work, / that will giveyouth a future / and old age a security. / By the promise ofthese things, / brutes have ? risen to power. /But they lie. / They do not fulfill that promise. / They neverwill. / Dictators ? free themselves, / but they enslave thepeople. /Now ? let us fight / to fulfill that promise. / ? Let us fight / tofree the world. /To do away with national barriers. / To do away with ? greed/ with hate and intolerance. / ? Let us fight for a world of? reason. / A world where science and progress / will lead toall men’s happiness. /Soldiers, / in the name of democracy, / ? let us all unite! /Section 3 国境の壁をなくすために闘おう!【耳のつけどころ】ユダヤ人の床屋が、The Great Dictator (『独裁者』の原題) ばりの語り口となるクライマックスシーンをお楽しみください。YL 4.0-5.0 words 231 語LL 7.6 wpm 190 語■ ①リスニング■ ②シンクロ■ ③シャドーイングTrack33