ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.56 2016年06月号 試読


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多聴多読マガジン Vol.56 2016年06月号 試読

なま素材U nit 3スピーチ2016年の日本経済の展望とは?新浪剛史氏スピーチサントリーホールディングス社長・新浪剛史氏が2016年の世界経済フォーラム(ダボス会議)で行ったスピーチより抜粋します。国際的な舞台で堂々と話す語り口に注目して聞いてみましょう。国内需要や規制緩和など、日本経済を語る上で必須の英単語も要チェック!Section 1解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学グローバル・コミュニケーション学部准教授)賃金、労働力、投資の3つがアベノミクスの鍵【耳のつけどころ】論理構成に注目しましょう。最後に日本が取り組むべきことを3つ、非常にコンパクトにまとめています。YL 6.0-6.5 words 173語LL 5.5 wpm 120語Track 31Takeshi Niinami: I’d like to give uh credit to Abenomics for / um/ I ? think um-/ uh, changing the overall / um / economy of Japan.I mean momentum / of the Japanese economy from negative topositive. / But uh there are lots of things uh / that-that uh / thatneed to be done. / And because uh we have not uh / got out of thedeflation yet ? completely. / And uh people have, still, / inertia/ in their minds. / So, / I ? extremely believe that uh / it takes atleast um / ? 3 to 5 years to see / the / efficacies of the uh / policiesimplemented already by the government. / So, / it’s been, I ? think,u-uh uh a positive, / but uh / you know, we have to see, let’s say, ? 3to 5 years. / But uh ? definitely efficacies have...emerging... / havebeen emerging. /So, / yeah, the prerequisite ? thing is ? definitely the long term /and the steady government like the current one. / And um, / uh todo so then we can get rid of deflation ? completely. / And we mustbuild the uh / um solid economy / that is resilient to the uh, / um /I ? think the negative impact / of the world economy, / like um, /gross recession of China. / And uh to enable sustainable growth /we must create the domestic demand. / ? Definitely the domesticdemand, / by addressing three issues further more: / ? One, / wages./ Two, / labor. / And three, / investment. /122 2016 JUNE■1リスニング■2シンクロ■3シャドーイング