ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.54 2016年02月号 試読2
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このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.54 2016年02月号 試読2 の電子ブックに掲載されている40ページの概要です。
このページは 多聴多読マガジン Vol.54 2016年02月号 試読2 の電子ブックに掲載されている40ページの概要です。
多聴多読マガジン Vol.54 2016年02月号 試読2
なま素材Unit 3スピーチ運命を変えたスティーブ・ジョブズとの出会いティム・クック(Apple CEO)スピーチ今回はApple CEOのティム・クックが、ジョージ・ワシントン大学で生徒の前で語った感動的なスピーチを取り上げます。彼がスティーブ・ジョブズとの出会いから得た教訓とは?まずは言い淀みのない、発音明瞭なスピーチをしっかりと聞いてください。Section 1解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学グローバル・コミュニケーション学部准教授)ジョブズだけがアップル復活を信じていた【耳のつけどころ】前後の音の影響を受けて/t/や/d/が様々な音に変化している点に注目しましょう。YL 5.5-6.0 wpm 110LL 2.9 words 217Track 38Tim Cook: ? Twenty years after my visit to Washington, / I metsomeone / who made me question everything. / Who upended allof my assumptions / in the very best way. / That was Steve Jobs. /(APPLAUSE)Steve had built a successful company. / He had been sent away /?and he returned to find it in ruins. / He ? didn’t know it at the time,/ but he was about to dedicate the rest of his life / to rescuing it, /and leading it to heights greater than anyone could ever imagine. /Anyone, that is, / except for Steve. / Most people have ? forgotten,/ but in 1997 and early 1998, / Apple had been adrift for years. /Rudderless. / But Steve thought Apple could be ? great again. /?And he ? wanted to know / if I’d like to help. /His vision for Apple was a company that turned powerfultechnology / into tools that were easy ? to use, / tools that wouldhelp people realize their dreams / and change the world for the?better. /I had studied to be an engineer and earned an M.B.A. / I was trainedto be pragmatic, / a problem solver. / Now I found myself / ? sittingbefore and listening to this very ? animated 40 something guy withvisions of changing the world. / It was not what I had expected. /You see, / when it came ? to my career, / in 1998, / I was also adrift./ Rudderless. /124 2016 FEBRUARY■リスニング■シンクロ■シャドーイング