ブックタイトル多聴多読マガジン Vol.54 2016年02月号 試読2


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多聴多読マガジン Vol.54 2016年02月号 試読2

BLACK CAT READERSThe Earlyreads series contains both original stories andtraditional favourites, as well as some cultural readers,graded over five levels.The beautiful illustrations encourage reading and aidunderstanding.オリジナルストーリー、語り継がれている物語、文化的なテーマなどで構成された5レベルリーダーです。読むことを楽しくさせ、理解を助ける美しいイラスト。LEVEL 1100 headwordsLEVEL 2150 headwordsLEVEL 3200 headwordsLEVEL 4250 headwordsLEVEL 5300 headwordsADING approach, where alore historical background,is interested in introducinguageRobert HillThe BLACK CAT Graded Readers HandbookRobert HillThe BLACK CATGraded Readers HandbookThe BLACK CAT Graded Readers Handbookexplains and illustrates Black Cat’s excitingEXPANSIVE READING approach, where a readingtext becomes a springboard to improve languageskills and to explore historical background,cultural connections and other topics suggestedby the text.The handbook is intended for any teacher, withor without experience, who is interested inintroducing and practising reading in a foreignlanguage.For a free copy of The BLACK CAT GradedReaders Handbook, please contact us atipi@nellies.jpA complete recording of each text is downloadable free at www.blackcat-cideb.comテキスト全文の音声がwww.blackcat-cideb.comから無料ダウンロード可能お問い合わせTEL: 03-5275-6761 / FAX: 03-3556-7326株式会社ネリーズE-mail: ipi@nellies.jpご購入はこちらhttp://nellies-bs.com/Black CatDistributed byIndependent Publishers Internationalhttp://www.indepub.com