2014年12月号試し読み用ver2 page 34/36
このページは 2014年12月号試し読み用ver2 の電子ブックに掲載されている34ページの概要です。
130 2014 DECEMBERUnit 4 スター・インタビューなま素材Q: Did you have time to research the role? It’s almost like he’s the onlyperson she looks in the eye. She’s not looking at anybody else. And I ju....
130 2014 DECEMBERUnit 4 スター・インタビューなま素材Q: Did you have time to research the role? It’s almost like he’s the onlyperson she looks in the eye. She’s not looking at anybody else. And I justwonder where that came from. Did you just figure it out?CM: Um, / well, I, uh, I actually went to this organization that Antoine* sentme to called the Children of the Night*, / and I met a lot of girls who wereactually put in this situation and, / and have been taken out of it and are, /uh, kind of figuring their life out now / and, and getting educated and… /And, um, / a lot of them / had this thing where they ?wouldn’t really lookyou in the eye / at all, really. / And they would kind of just walk… You know,/ when they would talk about / what happened to them and they would tellyou these stories, they would just kind of be ? real drifty and ? real, / ? realshifty, but then when, when you would kind of connect with them, / then theywould actually kind of grant you [with] their look, and it meant ? so much /to see that, / and they kind of let you in, and you understand that that doesn’thappen very much. / And / we wanted to make that really poignant, and that’swhen she comes over to his table / and she has that conversation with him.It’s a ? huge moment, / ’cause she…/ she ? doesn’t do that. / And I don’tthink he does that either. / And they both kind of lock eyes on each other andthey… / they ? barely say any words in that scene, / but there’s ? so muchcontext just in the / emotions they’re sharing through their eyes. /Section 2 目を見て話ができるのはロバートだけ【耳のつけどころ】まだ17 歳の多感な子どもらしい一面が、音声変化や口語表現、語の強調の仕方などに表れています。Track 54読みやすさレベル5.5-6.0 リスニングレベル7.8 223 wpm 238語