2014年12月号試し読み用ver2 page 32/36
このページは 2014年12月号試し読み用ver2 の電子ブックに掲載されている32ページの概要です。
128 2014 DECEMBERQ: Did you and Denzel have a lot of rehearsal time? You seemed to be more open with him compared to other people.Chloe Moretz(CM): Yeah, I mean, you know, we didn’t have time to?rehe....
128 2014 DECEMBERQ: Did you and Denzel have a lot of rehearsal time? You seemed to be more open with him compared to other people.Chloe Moretz(CM): Yeah, I mean, you know, we didn’t have time to?rehearsal time together. We kind of just, you know, went up on set and did it. And I feel like… you know, I think, uh, what was so special about the relationship that, / that / we all kind of talked ? about, I guess, / is the fact that, / um, ?Robert* is the only guy in her life / that / ?doesn’t ?treat her like a piece of meat. / You know, he’s the only guy that ?doesn’t check her ? out up and up and down the minute she walks in a room. He’s, / you know, he’s the only guy / ?that actually asks her how she is, / how’s she doing, how’s her day. / You know what I mean? And they have / real conversations, even if it’s just like, you know, how’s your book. / And ?it, uh, / that means more to her than, / than anything, and so I think, / uh, her demeanor obviously / kind of took ? that on, in the fact that she / ?didn’t feel like she had to, you know, / ?put herself on.Unit 4 スター・インタビューなま素材Interview: Jordan Riefe/解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)Track 53178wpm142語読みやすさレベル4.5-5.0リスニングレベル7.5アメリカ版「必殺」仕事人! 世の不正を19秒で抹消する『イコライザー』クロエ・モレッツ、デンゼル・ワシントン インタビューSection 1 ふたりの特別な関係【耳のつけどころ】語末の/t/がすべて音声変化しており、少しだらしない感じを醸し出しています。