多聴多読マガジンVol.45 2014年8月号 試読.acbp

多聴多読マガジンVol.45 2014年8月号 試読.acbp page 34/36


このページは 多聴多読マガジンVol.45 2014年8月号 試読.acbp の電子ブックに掲載されている34ページの概要です。

130 2014 AUGUSTQ: If this project had come up five years ago, would you have considered it?Angelina Jolie (AJ):?I don’t know. / I mean it’s- it’s such a great project I imagine I would always have ....

130 2014 AUGUSTQ: If this project had come up five years ago, would you have considered it?Angelina Jolie (AJ):?I don’t know. / I mean it’s- it’s such a great project I imagine I would always have considered it. But I think / it was really- a- after having directed / and- and thinking that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to act or how good I’d be, / th- this challenge of…/ it wasn’t returning to act as anything normal. It was so- / such a crazy idea and I was so challenged by it. /And I- / my kids are now all watching all these movies and wanting to play with mommy, and it just / was- it was perfect timing to have them all ?on set, / playing, being a part of the adventure with me. And- / and for me as an actress to / not do something where I’m taking myself so seriously and I’m trying to, / you know, / do something for myself, and my art, and my- but just / play, / just remember what it is to play and entertain / and, um, / and- and  ?try something bold. /Unit 4 スター・インタビューなま素材Interview: Jordan Riefe/解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)c2014 Disney Enterprises, Inc.Track32169 wpm163語読みやすさレベル5.0-5.5リスニングレベル6.0『眠れる森の美女』を邪悪な妖精の視点で描く『マレフィセント』アンジェリーナ・ジョリー インタビュ?Section 1 私にも子どもたちにも絶好のタイミングの映画【耳のつけどころ】聞き取れない場合は、まずは名詞・形容詞・動詞・副詞などの内容語だけをピックアップしてみましょう。