多聴多読マガジン2014年02月号 試読

多聴多読マガジン2014年02月号 試読 page 23/44


このページは 多聴多読マガジン2014年02月号 試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている23ページの概要です。

Track 04 2014 FEBRUARY 53Saved!: Heroes in Everyday LifeUNDERSTANDWhat do people need to do if waterleaves a beach very fast?Then Tilly saw somethingvery unusual. T....

Track 04 2014 FEBRUARY 53Saved!: Heroes in Everyday LifeUNDERSTANDWhat do people need to do if waterleaves a beach very fast?Then Tilly saw somethingvery unusual. The waterbegan to leave the beachquickly! She rememberedMr. Kearney’s lesson: it isdangerous when water leavesthe beach fast. It shows that atsunami is coming.Tilly was worried. She toldher mother and father aboutthe water. They spoke to theother families on the beachand the people who workedin the hotels, too. They allleft the beach. They quicklywalked up to high ground, away from the water, andwaited. And then the tsunami came. It was a wall ofwater. It was many meters tall!People in other places had big problems, and manypeople died. But the people at Maikhao Beach were allsafe. A ten-year-old girl saved them.Tilly was a hero!PhuketPhuket, Thailand7