多聴多読マガジン VBol.39 2013年8月号

多聴多読マガジン VBol.39 2013年8月号 page 42/46


このページは 多聴多読マガジン VBol.39 2013年8月号 の電子ブックに掲載されている42ページの概要です。

130 2013 AUGUST華麗なるギャツビー レオナルド・ディカプリオUnit 4 スター・インタビューInterviewer: Jordan Riefe / 解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)Track 52読みやすさレベル4.5-5.0 リスニン....

130 2013 AUGUST華麗なるギャツビー レオナルド・ディカプリオUnit 4 スター・インタビューInterviewer: Jordan Riefe / 解説・中西のりこ(神戸学院大学経営学部准教授)Track 52読みやすさレベル4.5-5.0 リスニングレベル4.8 158 wpm 192語Section 1 誰もがギャツビーに共感できる【耳のつけどころ】後半、適当な言葉が見つからなくなったときに、どう対処しているか、聞いてみましょう。Q: Did you identify with Jay Gatsby who wasn’t born wealthy?DiCaprio (D): Um, I think everyone has a- an, uh, some sort ofconnection to- to / Gatsby as a character. He’s a- / he’s a character thathas, / um, created himself according to his own / imagination and dreams,and lifted himself from / his own bootstraps as a- / as a poor youth ininthe Midwest, and / created this image that is the great Gatsby. And itit’sa truly / American story in that regard, you know. Uh, here’s this, /uh, emerging democracy that is America in the 1920s, and he wants toemulate, uh, / you know, a Rockefeller / of that time period and- / and, ofcourse, / creates his wealth in the underworld. But / this is the new landthat is America, and it was- it was, um, / it was, uh, / a very exciting time,and, uh, / I think we can all relate to that dreamer in Gatsby. Each oneof us, / uh, gets excited by the prospect of- uh, / of somebody that has,um, / you know, uh, / somebody that has, uh, / what’s the word? / What’sthe word that I’m looking for? It’s too early in the morning! / Ambition,ambition, somebody that has that much ambition. /なま素材2013 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved