多聴多読マガジン VBol.39 2013年8月号 page 41/46
このページは 多聴多読マガジン VBol.39 2013年8月号 の電子ブックに掲載されている41ページの概要です。
あああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ2013 AUGUST 109R リーディング編●次の英文を読んで、?の問題に答えてください。NOTICECharles Library Renovation In order to serve ou....
あああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ2013 AUGUST 109R リーディング編●次の英文を読んで、?の問題に答えてください。NOTICECharles Library Renovation In order to serve our patrons better, Charles Library will be closedfor renovations from August 1 to October 30. The renovations consist of three phases: (A) enlarging individualstudy areas and meeting rooms, upgrading light fixtures, andintroducing a new computer system. Unfortunately, some disruption of library services is unavoidable.Because we need to replace our computer system, we cannot providea check-out and return service and cannot accept reservation requestsafter July 15. However, we will be offering these services throughother public libraries in the city, where you can (B) take advantage ofour regular operations. Please feel free to call us at 555-7270 for any questions andconcerns. For (C) further information about the renovation projectand services during the renovations, please visit our Web site at www.charleslibrary.com. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate yourpatience.? 本文の下線の語句と置き換えられる単語を語群から選んで書いてください。(A) enlarge (enlarging) ( ) (B) take advantage of ( )(C) further ( ) ●英文をもう一度読んで、?の問題に答えてください。? 本文の内容から何がわかりますか。当てはまるものに○を、当てはまらないものに×をつけてください。[ ] (A) The project will last for three months.[ ] (B) A parking facility is scheduled to be enlarged.[ ] (C) Patrons can borrow books at Charles Library during renovations.[ ] (D) The Web site provides information on temporary library operations.【語群】 combine / use / more / expand / confidential / hesitate