多聴多読マガジンVol.37 2013年4月号 page 18/20
このページは 多聴多読マガジンVol.37 2013年4月号 の電子ブックに掲載されている18ページの概要です。
160 2013 APRILSection 1 トールキン作品への想い【耳のつけどころ】特に後半は /t/ の脱落の練習にちょうどよい素材です。 t で終わる語がどう発音されているか聞いてみましょう。Q: How big a fan were you of the....
160 2013 APRILSection 1 トールキン作品への想い【耳のつけどころ】特に後半は /t/ の脱落の練習にちょうどよい素材です。 t で終わる語がどう発音されているか聞いてみましょう。Q: How big a fan were you of the Lord of the Rings movies?Martin Freeman (MF): Well, uh, yeah, / I thought the Lord of the Ringsmovies were fantastic. / Um, I didn’t grow up as, uh, as a Tolkien head,really, / um, I- I read Tolkien in the run-up to this. / So, uh, my experienceof Middle Earth* was via the films, / which I think / are still great pieces ofwork. / Um, f- from my point of view, / ge- t- turning up and being involvedwith it, / it was- it was just- it was a pleasure to be with Pete*, / it was apleasure to- to be with a crew that committed, / um, to get to know actorswho I knew a little bit from home / but not very well, / who subsequentlybecame friends, / you know. / Um, and meet other people I’ve never met, /who I- whose work I liked, / and... Yeah, it was- uh, it was great. / It had away of not being intimidating, / which was lovely. /ホビット 思いがけない冒険マーティン・フリーマン、ピーター・ジャクソンUnit 4 映画スター・インタビューInterviewer: Jordan Riefec 2012 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT INC. AND METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PICTURES INC.Track 34読みやすさレベル5.0-5.5 リスニングレベル7.3 188 wpm 150語