
絵本100手引書 page 15/28


このページは 絵本100手引書 の電子ブックに掲載されている15ページの概要です。

13The Story of the LittleMoleThere Was an Old LadyWho Swallowed a FlyTwenty-Four RobbersWe’re Going on a Picnic!Who Sank the Boat?Suzy Goose and ....

13The Story of the LittleMoleThere Was an Old LadyWho Swallowed a FlyTwenty-Four RobbersWe’re Going on a Picnic!Who Sank the Boat?Suzy Goose and theChristmas StarTomorrow’s AlphabetWe’re Going on a BearHuntWhere Is the GreenSheep?Woodland ChristmasTwelve Days ofChristmas in the NorthWoods語数…… 語数…… 著者/イラストレーター (IL) ♪…… 発売元語数482JYbooksWerner Holzwarth /Wolf Erlbrunch (IL)語数278MoonjinmediaPetr Horacek♪語数380JYbooksPam Adams (IL)♪語数156JYbooksGeorge Shannon /Donald Crews (IL)語数228JYbooksAudrey Wood♪語数416JYbooksMichael Rosen /Helen Oxenbury (IL)♪語数424MoonjinmediaPat Hutchins♪語数170JYbooksMem Fox / Judy Horacek (IL)♪語数218JYbooksPamella Allen♪語数414JYbooksFrances Tyrrell (IL)♪♪♪