ブックタイトルTOEIC L&Rテスト本番攻略模試600問 試し読み


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TOEIC L&Rテスト本番攻略模試600問 試し読み

33TEST 1GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE149. What is suggested about Ms.Forster?(A) She is certain there will be heavytraffic.(B) She has never visited Stonevillebefore.(C) She is planning to meet somefamily members.(D) She misplaced a set of car keys.150. At 11:12 A.M., what does Ms. Hongmean when she writes,“Absolutely”?(A) She recommends that Ms.Forster take the expressway.(B) She is concerned that drivingconditions are dangerous.(C) She agrees to provide somedriving directions.(D) She is sure Ms. Forster will finda location.Questions 149-150 refer to the following text message chain.ISLA FORSTERHi, Kristina. I just got the keys for my rental car, and I’m about to set off.I should reach Stoneville by 1 P.M., assuming that traffic isn’t bad.ISLA FORSTERThanks. I will. Okay, time to go. Talk soon.11:03 A.M11:14 A.MISLA FORSTERYes, and I’m looking forward to the dinner party. It’ll be nice to see youand so many of our other relatives there.11:07 A.MKRISTINA HONGGreat. We can’t wait to see you. It’s been so long since you were last here.11:06 A.MKRISTINA HONGIt’s going to be a packed house! Do you remember how to get to myplace?11:09 A.MISLA FORSTERI’m pretty sure I know the way, but can you text me which streets I shouldtake once I turn off the expressway?11:11 A.MKRISTINA HONGAbsolutely. Take care on the country roads though. It’s been snowing fordays around here.11:12 A.M