英語メーリングリスト「chat2」参加者のための掲示板です。 期間:2009年7月21日(火)~2009年8月31日(月)まで
・ベルトンさんの連載小説『Gateway to Hell』や『ベルトンさんと原書で読む「ベストセラーはおもしろい」』 についてのご意見・ご感想
・[ Week1] Self-introduction / What is your hobby? 終了
・[ Week2] What were your favorite children's books when you were child ?
Can you name top 3? 終了
・[ Week3] How do you study English (recommendations)? 終了
・[ Week4] If you want to show 'Japanese culture' and how friendly Japan is, to
people from another country - where do you take them? 終了
・[ Week5] Have you ever find it hard to turn down a favor from a friend? 終了
・[ Week6] If you were going to be parachuted onto a desert island with food and water
for a year, what three things will you take?

ハンドル名 |
紹介文 |
Sara |
I'm Sara in Shimonoseki, working as an accountant at my in-law's Japanese sake company (10:00-15:00) and also working at home as an English teacher (16:00-21:00). I started teaching at home when my sons were three and five years old and now they grew up to be medical students. My hobbies include reading books and magazines, watching dramas and movies, and of course, learning and teaching English.
Matilda |
Hello, nice to meet you all.
My handle name is Matilda, which comes from "Matilda" by Dahl.
I envy her intelligence (?) to beat people who are hard on her.
I live with a husband and plan to have one or two cats near future.
Golf biginner |
My name is Golfbiginner.I'm 28 years old cute girl, hahaha, Now I live in Osaka with my mom, father, one cat and one dog.
Actually, I have one young brother, but he lives in Chiba. I work in a trade company now.
I have some hobby like snowboard, reading a book, dancing, listening a Reggae music or drinking!? But recently, I found new hobby, playing a golf.
mizrin |
I'm mizrin, live in Akashi city (near Kobe city), Hyogo. I'm trying and interesting to studying English little by little, and interested in listening music so much, talking with my friends a lot!
M.Windu |
紹介文 |
maggie |
I'm Maggie and this is the second time to have a chat with new members (some are familiar since the first time ^^¥ ).
I am living in the island called Shikoku with 30 cats , 14dogs ,two little birds and a turtle .
Please call me Magwitch ,and let's enjoy a chatty-chat for a while!
TinTin |
My name is TinTin, living in Tsukuba city.
I like reading books, listening to music, and visiting fine art museums
(owing some wood prints in my rooms).
I am glad I could join the Chat2.
kobako |
I'm kobako, living in Kobe and working for a distillery company.
My hobbies are Kobujyuts, a classic budo which is called Daitoryu Aiki
Jujyuts, and reading books.
I've just finished San-dan test of Daitoryu last Monday and now am
worn out from special training for that test...
chorismos |
My hobbies include: watching movies, listening to music and reading (although I'm still on picture books for Japanese...), and now I'm a poor student I can't afford to indulge in my other interests (buying nice Japanese pots or drinking single Malt).
chris |
Chris Belton here. I am a writer and live in Yokohama with my Japanese wife
and English dog (beagle.) If you need any more information, please check out
the profile on my homepage.
yuko |
I'm Yuko, CosmoPier's member.
I live in Kawasaki City with my husband and a son who is a high school student and I have a dog who is almost five-year-old Shiba-inu and have five goldfish.
I'm very happy to take part in this mailing list and talk with you again!
cosmo |
I live in south side of Yokohama area, (close to Hakkei-Jima) where is
surronded by nice sea and beautiful mountain.
I like studying English because I am interested in American culture
(movie, music, food and so on) so much, recently my favorite is American
TV dramas which is full of real native slang.
keita |
Lefty |
I am Lefty. I like left hand because I feel good touching everything by left hand. So, playing tennis, baseball, golf, my left hand show the power.
My hobby is playing and watching sports, especially golf now, and reading books, listning light classical musics.
Well, I'm watching TV of the golf network channel everynight.
plumeria |
My name " plumeria " is one of my favorite flower and you can see it in Hawaii, a very sweet scent.
I'm crazy about reading in English, running, doing aerobics, skiing in winter and snorkeling in a warm foreign country.
But now I don't have any chance to go skiing nor snorkeling by my husband's job shedule.
cacao |
Good evening, everyone. I'm cacao.
I read every volume of the Harry Potter series with the help of cosmopier ML. I gained confidence at it.
I'm not confident of writing English at all.
Asha |
Hi, everybody, nice meeting you!
I’m Asha, I'm new to Cosmopier editorial team.
My hobby is, definitely traveling to unknown places!
Here at Chat2, I’m looking forward to having amusing conversation with you all.
 Copyright (C)2009
CosmoPier Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved.