ブックタイトル女性リーダーの英語 試読


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女性リーダーの英語 試読

184Yuriko Koike:On August 21st I attended the closing ceremony of the Rio Olympics and received the Olympic flag from the mayor of Rio. As you saw, I was wearing a kimono on the night, but I had actually considered wearing a Hello Kitty costume to compete with Mario.At that moment I resolved that, as Tokyo governor, I would provide the ultimate stage for athletes and spectators to enjoy the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Since I was the Minister of the Environment, I have been promoting the “3R” initiative: reduce material or even the cost?reduce, reuse and recycle. This is the “3R’s.”The “3R” initiative was included in the official document of the G8 Gleneagles Summit held in England in 2005, and in Japanese, these “3R’s” can be summarized in one word: “mottainai”?what a waste. I want to make the 2020 Games where the term “mottainai” is known all around the world.東京オリンピックを契機に、もったいない精神を広めよう!59TrackSection 5【語注】closing ceremony:閉会式/Olympic flag:オリンピック旗/the mayor of Rio:リオ市長/actually:実際に /Hello Kitty:ハロー・キティ/costume:衣装/compete with... :~と競争する /Mario:マリオ(任天堂のコンピュータゲームに登場するキャラクター。リオ・オリンピックの閉会式で安倍首相がマリオに扮したことを踏まえている) /at that moment:その瞬間/resolve:~と決心する/Tokyo governor:東京都知事/provide:~を提供する /ultimate:究極の/athlete:運動選手 /spectator:観客/the Minister of the Environment:環境大臣(小池都知事は2003年小泉内閣で環境大臣に就任)/initiative:運動、取り組み/G8 Gleneagles Summit held in England:イギリスで開催されたG8グレンイーグルズ・サミット/be summarized in one word:一語に要約される/waste:無駄、浪費