ブックタイトル女性リーダーの英語 試読


このページは 女性リーダーの英語 試読 の電子ブックに掲載されている20ページの概要です。


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女性リーダーの英語 試読

96Angelina Jolie:Any one of the Syrians I have met would speak more eloquently about the conflict than I ever could. Nearly four million Syrian refugees are victims of a conflict they have no part in.Yet they are stigmatized, unwanted, and regarded as a burden. So I am here for them, because this is their United Nations.In 2011, the Syrian refugees I met were full of hope. They said, “Please, tell people what is happening to us,” trusting that the truth alone would guarantee international actions.When I returned, hope was turning to anger?the anger of a man who held up his baby, asking me “Is this a terrorist? Is my son a terrorist?”On my last visit in February, anger had subsided into resignation, misery and the bitter question, “Why are we, the Syrian people, not worth saving?”400万人のシリア難民は怒り、そして絶望しています。30TrackSection 4【語注】Syrian:シリア人(の)/eloquently:雄弁に/refugee:難民/have no part in:関与していない、無関係である/stigmatize:汚名を着せる/unwanted:望まれない/regard:みなす/burden:負担、重荷/guarantee:保証する/subside:弱まる/resignation:あきらめ/misery:悲嘆、惨めな思い/bitter:悲痛な、辛らつな/ worth ...ing:~するに値する