ブックタイトルオバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み


このページは オバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み の電子ブックに掲載されている16ページの概要です。


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オバマ大統領真珠湾平和演説 試し読み

14We honor Americans like Jim Downing, a gunner’s mate firstclass of the West Virginia. Before he raced to the harbor, hisnew bride pressed into his hand a verse of scripture: “Theeternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlastingarms.”As Jim fought to save his ship, he simultaneously gatheredthe names of the fallen so that he could give closure to theirfamilies. He said, “It was just something you do.”We remember Americans like Harry Pang, a fireman fromHonolulu, who, in the face of withering fire, worked to douseburning planes until he gave his last full measure of devotion?one of the only civilian firefighters ever to receive the PurpleHeart.We salute Americans like Chief Petty Officer John Finn,who manned a 50-caliber machine gun for more than twohours and was wounded more than 20 times, earning him ournation’s highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor.ジムは艦を守って戦いながら、敵弾に倒れた兵士の名を記録したSection 3 Track 04